
Kin Lane

From Note Taking to Remembering Things

I'm always working to clean up my platform and better use tools already in my toolbox. I have been using Google Notebook for quite a few years now. I have a lot of information in there, good and bad. Google discontinued Notebook quite a while ago, so I stopped using it. I kind of quit taking notes all together. I have had an <...
Kin Lane

Hack Education

Kin Lane

Audreys New Brand

Kin Lane

Real-time, Aware Web Apps with XMPP and HTML

I am spending time each week learning something new about HTML5 and brainstorming ways it can be applied in my every day business world. Here are two areas I am researching: Using HTML 5 Web SQL Database and Read more →
Kin Lane

HTML 5 WebSocket API

Deeper and deeper I dive into HTML 5. The WebSocket API allows bidirectional communications with a server. Think of this one as how you wish AJAX would have been. Not only do you have Server-Sent Events with HTML 5, you can actually have multi-directional communicat...
Kin Lane

HTML 5 Server-Sent Events

As I continue my deep dive into the functional side of HTML5 I am learning about Server-Sent Events. Server-Sent Events enable servers to push data to a web page loaded in the browser. Think of it as reverse AJAX. Using the EventSource interface you can register and event listener client side. Then server side you send mes...
Kin Lane

Regional Cloud Storage Centers

This is a second post in a series about where cloud computing is headed. In addition to regional cloud computing centers, the need for raw cloud storage is growing. A handful of providers are leading the charge in cloud compute Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):...
Kin Lane

Regional Cloud Computer Centers

I am spending a lot of time lately writing and thinking about the future of cloud computing. The need for raw cloud compute power is growing as a utility for every day business. A handful of providers are leading the charge in cloud compute Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): <...
Kin Lane

Develop API Community and Empower Your Developers

A couple of weeks ago I was writing about tools you should offer with your Application Programming Interface (API). I was putting together some though...
Kin Lane

Cloud Operating System

I thoroughly enjoy my career right now. It is exciting being part of where technology and computing is going right now. I'm a total cloud computing fanboy, I admit. I do try to keep it realistic and focused on how it influences business and IT operations. Right now I can really see "cloud computi...
Kin Lane

Approach to Infrastructure Architecture is Different When in the Amazon Cloud

I was just reading Insights from the AWS Cloud Computing for the Enterprise Event in Los Angeles on the Morph blog. They offer some good morsels of cloud wisdom and have a good presentation by Dr. Werner Vogels. Wh...
Kin Lane

OpenStack - Open Source, Open Standards Cloud.

I am impressed with Rackspace donating the code for their compute and object storage platform and creating the OpenStack. There has been a lot of discussion around the n...
Kin Lane

OSCON: Database Explosion Part 3

After spending some time last weekend reviewing the exhibitors at the upcoming OSCON - Open Source Convention I noticed a pattern: There is an explosion in databa...
Kin Lane

OSCON: Database Explosion Part 2

After spending some time last weekend reviewing the exhibitors at the upcoming OSCON - Open Source Convention I noticed a pattern: There is an explosion in database innovation right now ...
Kin Lane

Amazon Bucket Policy Quick Change

I have several Amazon Buckets I quickly want to use for public viewing of images and other files for clients. I haven't had time to integrate the bucket policy API into our code base. I just need the buckets updated right a...
Kin Lane

Open Source Database Explosion

I am spending some time researching various open source and cloud computing service providers using the exhibitors list for Read more →
Kin Lane

Multi-Site, Global Load Balancing, and Traffic Management in the Clouds

I was just reviewing the cloud tools offered by Zeus. I was researching Global server Load Balancing (Cloud Balancing) software yesterday and they were on my list. Unfortunately I used an image from their soft...
Kin Lane

Microsoft Attempting to Take on Hadoop with the Dryad Project

I'm learning more and more about distributed computing as I"m playing with larger and larger volumes of data. I understand a lot of the concepts behind the popular distributed computing platform Hadoop, but have no actual experience deploying it. I'm diving into all th...
Kin Lane

Securing Global Content With Amazon S3 Bucket Policies

I'm spending a lot of time lately looking at more efficient and secure ways of delivery web applications and content globally. I am refining my DNS strategy using Global Server Load Bala...
Kin Lane

Mobile Website Before Mobile Application

I see many companies and clients jumping on the "developing an IPhone Application bandwagon". Its definitely a hot medium for delivering your web application, content, products and services to. One big disconnect I see is that many companies don't even have a mobile friendly version of their web site or application y...
Kin Lane

Mobile Web Site Development Considerations

I'm refining my strategy for best practices in designing mobile web sites. I just added a few RSS feeds from quality design firms, and added a Google Alert. I've put together a few things to consider when designing your web site for mobile browsers: Keep it Simple ...
Kin Lane

Improved Logic Capabilities with Google Forms

Kin Lane

Cloud Balancing with Global Server Load Balancer (GSLB)

Last year I moved web site, database and email services for the SAP SAPPHIRE event to the Amazon Cloud. We needed to scale our infrastructure dramatically to support the event for about 4 months out of the year. This was our second year running the conference in the Amazon Cloud and we were able to scale up nicely to handle the traffic. There were still issues. Read more →
Kin Lane

Tools You Should Offer With Your Application Programming Interface (API)

I am spending some time putting together some recommendations for a vendor on their API. They are a payment gateway, that offers something no other payment gateway offers. I really feel they could rock the market if they were better known. The problem is that they don't have a product manager and...
Kin Lane

Using HTML5 Microdata on Your Web Site

When it comes to HTML5, for some reason the less visual and more functional aspects of HTML5 is what excites me. I was just reading more about the HTML5 Microdata specification. Microdata is part of the HTML5 specs that is relevant to...