
Kin Lane

Github Releases New API Version

kinlane-productionkinlane-productions2 Github has released version 3.0 of their API. Using the new Github API users canmanage labels, issue comments, mile...
Kin Lane

Create 3D Models from Images for 3D Printing

3D printing innovators Shapeways has released a new concept in 3D Printing. Image Popper is a new tool that allows y...
Kin Lane

My Daughters Kaias New Startup

My 10 year old Kaia is starting a business.  kinlane-productions2 If you live in South Eugene, OR....let me know. I got the hookup!
Kin Lane

Instaper Pulls Free Version from App Store

Instapaper pulled its free version of its IPhone app from the Apple App Store over a month ago...and well, sales of the paid app are fine. Marco Arment, creator of Instapaper just tweeted: "
Kin Lane

Google Sketchup and 3D Cloud Printing

I'm doing a lot of researching and thinking about the future of commercial printing, 3D printing, and manufacturing. Yesterday I was brainstorming on 3D printing and manufacturing with Google.
Kin Lane

Research: 3D Printing and Manufacturing with Google

I'm watching the future of manufacturing and printing unfold slowly in front of us. I'm paying attention to 3D printing solutions evolving from companies like Shapeways, MakerBot, ...
Kin Lane

Amazon Web Services Outage Impact

I wrote a post yesterday on the Amazon outage, and half jokingly saidAmazon Should Pull Plug Regularly to Show Which Companies Do Not Have It Together. Of course I don't think Amazon should do this, but I wanted to highlight Read more →
Kin Lane

Amazon Should Pull Plug Regularly to Show Which Companies Do Not Have It Together

I am by no means an IT architecture specialist, although I have a lot of experience in this area. I have deployed infrastructure to support large conferences in single locations and across multiple global locations simult...
Kin Lane Budget Cuts Update

Sunlight Foundation sent out an update on, and the IT Dashboard budget cuts today. Due to support of...
Kin Lane

Convert Word and Powerpoint File to PDF with Google Docs API

I'm slowly packaging up all the code I've been writing lately for Google Docs Listing API. I am building quite a few bite size modules that do various things with Google Docs. kinlane-productions2 Today I cleaned up a piece of PHP code that will upload file to Google Docs using API, then export various file types. If it is a .doc file, it will convert to: Read more →
Kin Lane

Wharton Business School Launches Digital Press

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and its online business journal Knowledge@Wharton has launched the Read more →
Kin Lane

Google Docs Adds Pagination and Native Printing

Google took another major step forward in positioning Google Apps as a document publishing platform. Google has added the ability to to see Read more →
Kin Lane

Open Source Manufacturing, Web APIs, and 3-D Printing

I just finished reading, Will 3-D Printing End Mass Manu...
Kin Lane

Art: 3-D Print a Figurine of Yourself

A group of innovators called BlablabLAB have integrated a Kinect with a 3-D printer to print personalized statues. BlablabLAB setup an interactive art installation on the streets of Barcelona, which allows users to stand in a structure ...
Kin Lane

Google Releases Two New APIs for Chrome Extensions

In the latest Chrome Beta release, Google made available two new experimental extension APIs: the Web Navigation and Proxy Extension APIs. Read more →
Kin Lane

Mimeo Connect API Ecosystem

As I'm preparing to launch my new Mimeo Connect Cloud Print API area, I'm taking inventory of my ecosystem. Granted, its not a true "ecosystem" yet. I call it thakinlane-productions2y efforts will yield a self-sustaining cloud printing API ecosystem. Mimeo ecosystem areas are: M...
Kin Lane

Mimeo Cloud Printing Building Blocks

In preparation of my new Mimeo Connect API area I am assembling what I consider to be the core building blocks of cloud printing. My goal is to create projects that focus on key documents, platforms, and technologikinlane-productions2g. I am breaking them into several areas. Cloud Printing Technologies Mime...
Kin Lane

The Irony of Cutting Budget for

kinlane-productions2kinlane-productions2 I refuse to align myself with any political party. When I vote for president its always a vote for the lesser of two evils. My republican friends probably think I'm a liberal, my liberal friends probably think I'm aconservative. I'm pretty middle of the road. Even though I'm completely pissed off about Read more →
Kin Lane

OAuth 2.0 Support for Google Cloud Print

Up until now Google Cloud Print has only support the Google Client Login. Google Cloud Print now supports OAuth 2.0. The XMPP print job notification system does not yet recognize the OAuth to...
Kin Lane

Google Has a Solid Vision of Cloud Printing

Google is moving forward with their vision of Cloud Printing in a much larger, comprehensive and decisive way compared with HP ePrint or Apple Airprint. They have rolled out...
Kin Lane

Google Cloud Print Available on Mac

Google is steadily moving forward with releases around the Google Cloud Print Platform. You have been able to print on mobile versions of Google Docs and Gmail, and on Chrome running on Windows since February. Today they released a Beta version of Read more →
Kin Lane

Facebook vs. Google Social Network

I see a lot of speculation and talk about Google's social efforts compared to Facebook. Facebook is definitely a dominant player in this game, and everyone keeps waiting for a clear social move from Google. kinlane-productions2 The defining characteristic between these two players is Facebook is building a social network within a walled garden. Facebook launches fea...
Kin Lane

Submit Google Cloud Print Job Example in C#

I have been working on my Google Cloud Print Proxy software in PHP to make available for a wider audience. When I get more time I intend to work on Ruby and Python versions. Much of the work being done with the Google Clou...
Kin Lane

The Data Science Toolkit

The Data Science Toolkit is a collection of open source tools wrapped in an easy-to-use REST/JSON interface, and available for download as a virtual machine image. Some of the tools included areBoilerpi...
Kin Lane

Building vs. Buying My API Area

For the last four months I've been on a pretty wild ride trying to find a solution to delivering the Mimeo Connect Print API and its community. I looked at the three major API service providers, Mashery, Apigee, and Read more →