June 8th is World IPv6 Day

On June 8th, 2011major web companies, including Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, and Microsoft, will enable IPv6 on many of their websites for 24 hours to test how IPv6 performs in the real world.

Google will be doing a live test where they will be using IPv6for Google Apps, including Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Sites.

They state that more than 99.9% of people shouldn't have any problems during this industry-wide test, but experience will vary depending on your computer and network configuration. Here are some things to consider:
  • If you only have IPv4, you'll simply use IPv4 as usual and not see any test-related problems.
  • If your configuration is ready for IPv6, you'll automatically use IPv6 and not see any test-related problems.
  • In rare cases if you have IPv6 enabled but not configured properly, you may have connectivity issues with Google Apps and other test sites on June 8th.
You can start checking your organization's IPv6 preparedness before June 8th, by going toipv6test.google.com from the devices that you use to access Google Apps, like primary work machines, tablet devices and home computers. If you discover IPv6 connectivity problems, you can find troubleshooting tips and more information on the Google support site.