I really enjoy web applications that focus on doing one thing, and doing it well.
Pen.io is one of these apps. Pen.io is the fastest way to publish online. period.
Pen.io allows you to add, edit, and delete pages. Thats it.
You just give your page a title, set a password, and add. Then you can edit the body of your page and publish.
Pen.io just launched a new API to support the web application. It allows you to:
- Authenticate
- Create New Page
- Update Page Content
- Check Page Availability
- Get Page in HTML Format
- Get Page in JSON Format
- Get Page in XML Format
- Delete a Page
Pen.io API is RESTful and authenticates using an application key in the header.
They provide a directory of pages, about, blog, faq, and contact page.
It doesn't get much simpler than that. It is a very elegant representation of a Software as a Service for a single resource.