
Kin Lane

The Archiving Of Social Media For The Obama Administration

I'm thinking a lot about my bits lately, and the legacy of my work in a digital environment. As I'm working and writing on this topic, an email came through my inbox from the White House on the archive work they've done...
Kin Lane

It Is Always Sad When I Click On Your Dormant Or Dead Domain

I spend a lot of time looking through the tweets I've favorited, curated, and retweeted, digging deeper into the digital presence of the people and companies behind them. This is how I expand my LinkedIn, Github, Twitter, and other networks, as well as establish a better understanding the people who are moving things forward in the API ...
Kin Lane

Domain Literacy: When A Trustworthy Domain Goes Bad

I have a side project going on right now where I'm working to define what I'm calling Domain Literacy. I am looking to take my knowledge of the web and APIs and help folks better understand some of the digital currents they are swept up in online each day. Whether...
Kin Lane

Honesty In API Startup Land

I take flack from folks when I write posts like I did last week about Oracle acquiring Apiary. I can't help be blunt about these fabricated realities that many folks claim to be "inevitable"....
Kin Lane

What Tracks Do You Leave When It Comes To Virtualization In Cloud?

I spend a lot of time thinking about how technology can be used for good, and for bad. I feel pretty strongly that many technologists do not think deeply about the alternative ways in which their technology can be used, for both good and evil. This is one of the big challenges in the world of APIs, how do you encourage companies to open...
Kin Lane

That Feeling You Get When You Say Something Critical

Have you ever spoken up critically on the Internet about a company? I'm not talking about the random gripe with a brand when it comes to their products or services, I am talking about taking a direct shot at the ethics of a company. You know that feeling you get when you do this, where your mind starts going through the...
Kin Lane

When The Companies Who Have All Your Digital Bits Promise Not To Recreate You

I'm thinking about my digital bits a lot lately. Thinking about the digital bits that I create, the bits I generate automatically, the bits I own, the bits I do not own, and how I can make a living with just a handful of my bits. I have an inbox full of people who want me to put my bits on their websites, and people who want to put their bits on my platform so that they are associated...
Kin Lane

The Power Of The Web Domain

Domain literacy is one of my new causes in 2017. We'll see how successful I am convincing people of what domain literacy is, what the benefits are, and the power of the domai...
Kin Lane

Some Benefits Of Basic Domain Literacy

Further evolving what I mean when I mean when I say "domain literacy", and wanted to brush up on the benefits of domain literacy are, which is why this is an area I'm focusing more attention on in 2017. It is important to me to be able to articulate...
Kin Lane

Two Main Reasons 26% Of Americans Seem So Loud Right Now

Things seem really out of control right now, because they are. After getting through a very dark period after the 2016 election, I am working to better understand what is going on, and find the most effective path forward in my work. Over the holidays I overwhelmingly lost faith that the majority of US citizens were de...
Kin Lane

The Social Bubbles We Experienced During Election Is The Future Of The Web

I feel the overlapping bubble(s) I witnessed on my Facebook profile during the 2016 election is just a little taste of what the future of the web will look like. Many of my conservative friends don't believe they live in a bubble, as well as many of my more liberal friends. I saw claims that "fake news" and "disinformation" does not exi...
Kin Lane

What I Mean When I Say Domain Literacy

Online web domains are an increasingly important aspect of our daily business and personal lives. I get that the average folk could care less about domains, DNS, and the nuts and bolts of how the web works, but after this election, and as more of our personal and professional lives move online, I feel like folks ignor...
Kin Lane

Medium And The Importance Of Maintaining Your Own Domain

I wanted to use the recent news about Medium downsizing as an opportunity to educate folks about the importance of maintaining your...
Kin Lane

My Plan For The Next Couple of Years

This is the first time I've written about the 2016 election. Last year was difficult for me, and I'm guessing things aren't going to get better. I am not going to rail about Trump, as I would rather spend my energy on progressive things, but I will say I am extremely disappointed in many of my friends, family, and fellow citizens. I feel like it came down to ...
Kin Lane

Finding The Right Dystopian Filter To Represent The World Unfolding Around Us

I got sucked into a project over the holidays, partly because it was an interesting technical challenge, but mostly because it provided me with a creative distraction after the election. I started playing with image filters from Algorithmia, using their Deep Filter service, which some may recogni...
Kin Lane

What Is Fake News?

I spent some time studying the "fake news" problem over the holidays to prepare me for speaking intelligently on the topic. I fired up a bunch of Amazon servers, gathered a bunch of data about what has been going on, but as of this weekend I put a pause on the work, publishing what I had gathered to Github, and set the project on the back burner to simmer for a while. One of the ...
Kin Lane

The Assholes Are Better Equipped When It Comes To Technology

I spent some time studying the "fake news" problem over the holidays to prepare me for speaking intelligently on the topic. I fired up a bunch of Amazon servers, gathered a bunch of data about what has been going on, but as of this weekend I put a pause on the work, publishing what I had gathered to Github, and set the project on the back burner to simmer for a while. After running ar...
Kin Lane

I Spent Some Time Evaluating The Fake News Problem

There was a lot of fake news swirling around during the election, and like I do with other ways that technology (APIs) are impacting our world, I wanted to better understand it before I opened my mouth telling people there was or was not a problem here--let alone ...
Kin Lane

Critical Of Facebook? Let's Apply This Thinking To All Tech Before it Gets Too Big

I'm seeing a lot of critical thinking being focused on Facebook, and even Twitter after this election. I will be joining in th...
Kin Lane

Mobile Was The Start But Now IoT Will Kill Net Neutrality

I am a supporter of the principles of net neutrality -- that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites. However, I can't help but feel that it is do...
Kin Lane

Drones Are A Reflection Of Wider Tech Space For Me

I love thinking about and playing with my drones, but probably not for the reasons you might think. Drones for me are just a reflection of the wider tech space for me and filled with endless opportunities for good and bad examples fo how tech can be put to use. One example from the real world today, that I think reflec...
Kin Lane

Do Not Blog Or Generate Content < Tell Your Story

I scan a lot of blog posts as I work to monitor the API space. I subscribe to well over 1500 blogs at last count and read the titles of thousands of posts, and the full content for hundreds of posts each week. I see it all. Most of what I see is just content. Those 250, 500, or 750 word posts that are so easy to cra...
Kin Lane

What I Run Synthetic Content (#DesignFiction) Through My Network

Some people are really confused by the alternative editions of my sites. If you hadn't noticed the links in the navigation for each of my sites, there is an and an blogs to compli...
Kin Lane

I Did Not Write Everything That I Tweet Out

One thing I notice regularly in my storytelling and sharing in the API space is how many people don't really notice the authorship behind many of the stories floating around. I often see a retweet of one my tweets sharing out a story I have read, where the person references me as the author of it when it's pretty clear that it isn't AP...
Kin Lane

Google Spreadsheet To YAML On Jekyll

I am building out a number of micro tools on Github lately, and since I'm using a lot of the same features across many different projects, before I implement for any specific solution, I am making sure I develop it as a standalone component. I'm tryin...