
Kin Lane

I Do Not See Things As Black or White

kinlane-productions2kinlane-productions2 As I prepare to go to Washington DC, to work with the Department of Veterans Affiars (VA), I'm spending a lot of time thinking about how I'll prepare for my year, working within the federal government.   Working for the White House, and at the VA, will most definitely be an entirely new experience for me, I ...
Kin Lane

API Providers Guide - API Design

API Providers Guide - API Design Prepared By Kin Lane June 2014 Read more →
Kin Lane


Using Github to Manage Your API Prepared By Kin Lane June 2013
Kin Lane

I Am Speaking At The Dallas-Forth Worth API Professionals Meetup May 14th

Hey everyone. I'm heading out to the Dallas-Fort Worth area the week after next, Tuesday, May 14, to kick off the Read more →
Kin Lane

Reminder of Why Data Portability Should Be Default: Bye Bye Posterous

I was a Posterous user. I didn't rely on the platform for anything.  It was just, yet another endpoint in my world of content production. So I was not that upset when they announced they were shutting down(I would link to post, but its gone).  But I was just checking the blog feed of an API that I monitor.  It came up in my alert dashboard as a feed that wasn't pulling.  I clicked on the link to test, and: Read more →
Kin Lane

Hacking Your Automobile Dashboard

In the tech space we use the term dashboard a lot. Think about how overused that term is when delivering web applications, portals, home page, start page and any other bullshit incarnation on the Internet where you heard the term dashboard applied to! We place a lot of demands on these digital dashboards. ...
Kin Lane

A Lifetime of Experience with 'Government Workers'

I grew up in rural Oregon. One concept I was raised on and given healthy portions of, was a distrust of "government workers". Government workers were lazy, predatory, beauracratic and definitely not working for the interests of anyone I encountered in the small town I grew up in. In contrast, during the last year of Read more →
Kin Lane

A Civic Hacker Corp

I've always been told, "If You Don't Vote, You Can't Bitch". This is a statement I've heard from hundreds of American citizens that I've encountered throughout my life, across every region of this great country. While I agree with the intent of this statement, I have to declare that it isn't enough! Its obvious that being a couch poli...
Kin Lane

An Author Walk-Through of a Story in Audio

I was finally catching up on all my podcasts this week, which includes Traffic and Weather, which is an always informative source of news and commentary podcast about APIs and the cloud hosted by 
Kin Lane

Who Are The Customers For Your Startup?

Silicon Valley builds amazing apps! Read more →
Kin Lane

Your Glasses Are Prime Real Estate for a Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

I’m closely following the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) world lately, in an attempt to understand the role APIs will play in this expanding tech sector. One product that is of particular interest is Googl...
Kin Lane

Personal Legal Storage Locker for TOS and NDA

I’m unpacking all my notes from my time spent at the MIT Media Lab this last weekend.  One of the byproducts of hanging out with so many smart people is I end up with all kind of great ideas, and I know better than to think I can do them all myself, so I put my ideas out on the web for anyone to run with. My project f...
Kin Lane

Add Or Update Your #ReclaimOpen Profile At The Github Site

You have the power to update your own profile on the #ReclaimOpen Github repository, by editing and submitting a pull request. Here are some steps you will need to consider to accomplish this. Github Repository -  Read more →
Kin Lane

Usually When Developers Are Mean, It Is About Power

kinlane-productions2 I’ve been programming professionally since 1988, so I’ve been around quite a few developers in my career. There seems to be a lot of moments lately that cause me to look back at this career, reassess what I've lear...
Kin Lane

Migrating My Automation Services Beyond Free

I depend on If This Then That (IFTTT) to move data around the cloud.  I syndicate blog posts from API Evangelist to Blogger and Tumblr.  This isn't just blind syndication, it is SEO and also plan B scenarios to make sure my content e...
Kin Lane

Embeddable OpenSpending Visualizations

There are some really great examples of embeddable, open data goodness over at the OpenSpending project, w...
Kin Lane

Continuing the Migration of Projects Over To Github

I’m continuing the migration of all my projects to run on Github. Eventually all public areas of my site will run as static, published Github pages and supporting b...
Kin Lane

I Have An Idea, Lets Launch an Analytics Platform

During my monitoring for the API stack this last week, I noticed that both Parse and New Relic had launched mobile ana...
Kin Lane

The API Pipes, From Resource to Last Mile

This post is more rant, and about me working through my thoughts on this subject, which is why its on and not or  This post is an aggregation of ongoing thoughts I'm having around my role in the API space, a diagram I drew the other day while enjoying an IPA, and inescapable thoughts fueled up by a post by Patrick Meir over at ...
Kin Lane

Who Runs The Internet?

I came across the great infographic from ICANN titled, Who Runs the Internet?  i want to brush up on my own knowledge about all the key stakeholders in the Internet, so I typed up some of the text from the infographic, for my own benefit, as well as to make it a little more interactive. Who Runs The Internet? No One Person, Company, Organization or Government Runs the Internet The Internet itself is a globally...
Kin Lane

Chicago Using Github Has Potential For More Citizen Participation in Government

Github is not just a site for managing code, for use by programmers. The platform can host code, data, markup, markdown and files like images, pdf, etc. Basically anything you can store in a file, and apply versioning to, you can put Github to work, helping you man...
Kin Lane

Evernote, OAuth and Zapier

One of the platforms I depend upon for my memory was hacked today. This afternoon, Evernote let everyone know that the platform was compromised and forced a reset of all passwords. While I’d prefer all platforms I depend on could thwart any hacks, it seems like security breaches are becoming par for the course. I appreciate that Evernote immediately forced a password reset and because I use the desktop app, I immediately was prompted to update my password.   <...
Kin Lane

Method to the Madness

I'm always working to find a way to organize my world, to help me better keep track of my wealth of content and information, while also assisting people in navigating my sometimes chaotic world of sites, blogs and projects. To help organize this, I'm breaking my navigation on into two main groups.  The first area is overview inf...
Kin Lane

I Am Speaking at NPR for the DC API User Group Next Thursday in Washington DC

I am invited to speak at the Washington DC API User Group, next Thursday January 31st 20...
Kin Lane

The Guardian Is Brilliant in Supporting Relevant Events with Open Data

I’m a big fan of what The Guardian is doing with their data and API strategy. I think they are a model for what old media should be doing around the ...