
Kin Lane

Considering Amazon Web Service's Continued Push Into Mobile

I am still processing the recent news of Amazon Mobile Services. Over time Amazon is continuing to push into the BaaS world, to compliment their existing IaaS, and Pa...
Kin Lane

Nothing Happens Until I Write It Down

Now that I've reached the age of 40, I've learned a lot about myself, how my mind works, what I remember and what I don’t. I've also learned a lot about how I'm perceived and remembered by the world around me, both physically and virtually. I first started a blog in 2006, and it took me about 4 years until I found a voice that mattered. It wasn't just a ...
Kin Lane

Intellectual Bandwidth

I got all high on making up new phrases yesterday, with Intellectual Exhaust, and was going to write another on Intellectual Bandwidth (IB), based upon the tweet from Julie Ann Horvath (@nrrrdcore): New fav thing...
Kin Lane

Smallest Federated Wiki Blueprint Evangelism

I’m playing with a new tool that was brought to my attention called, the Small Federated Wiki (SFW), a dead-simple, yet powerfully extensible, and federated online platform solution, developed by Mike Cauffield. In his latest post about Read more →
Kin Lane

Making More Time To Play With The Smallest Federated Wiki

I'm always working to better understand the best of breed technology solutions available online today, and to me, this means, lightweight, machine readable apps that do one thing and do it well. One solution I’m looking at is called ...
Kin Lane

Intellectual Exhaust (IE)

As I generate shitloads of content playing the API Evangelist on the Internets, I struggle with certain words, as I write each day—one of these words is intellectual property (IP), which Wikipedia defines as: Read more →
Kin Lane

Remembering My Friend Pat Price

Sometimes you meet people, and you automatically know that they are someone you will know for a very long time, with a sense that you’ve known them before, in many previous lives. This was the way I felt when I first met Patrick Price. He was polite, cord...
Kin Lane

Disrupting The Panel Format At API Craft SF

Last week I particpated in a panel at API Craft San Francisco with Uri Sarid(@usarid), Jakub Nesetril(@jakubnese...
Kin Lane

Ken Burns: History of Computing

I’m enjoying Mike Amundsen’s keynote from API Strategy & Practice in Amsterdam again, Self-Replication, Strandbeest, and the Game of Life What von Neumann, Jansen, and Conway can teach us about scal...
Kin Lane

Exhaust From Crunching Open Data And Trying To Apply Page Rank To Spreadsheets

I stumbled across a very interesting post on pagerank for spreadsheets. The post is a summary of a talk, but provided an interesting look at trying to understand open data at scale. Something I've tried doing several times, including my Read more →
Kin Lane

Reclaim Your Domain Workshop (1)

As part of the Domain of One’s Own Incubator at Emory University earlier this year, Kin and Audrey facilitated a workshop (a discussion, really) about “Reclaim Your Domain.” The Google Doc can be found here. ...
Kin Lane

The Black, White And Gray of Web Scraping

There are many reasons for wanting to scrape data or content from a public website. I think these reasons can be easily represented as different shades of gray, the darker the grey being considered less legal, and the lighter the grey more legal you...
Kin Lane

Github Commit Storytelling: Now or Later

When you are making Github commits you have to provide a story that explains the changes you are committing to a repository. Many of us just post 'blah blah’, ‘what I said last time", or any other garbage that just gets us through the moment. You know you’ve all done it at some point. This is a test, of your ability to te...
Kin Lane

That Has Already Failed Dumbass

I a always amused when someone jumps on an idea of mine, or one of my projects, proceed to tell me how stupid I am, then point to some similar technology or approach had previously failed. First I always take it as a lesson, and make sure I fully understand what they are referencing, and spend some time understanding what happened. Ther...
Kin Lane

I Cannot Sit Idly By As Technology Marches Forward

I’ve given up some pretty cushy jobs in my career. One defining aspect of the failure of my previous marriage was my inability just accept my role, sit idly by enjoying the benefits of being a good employee in a small town. From my smalltime existence in Eugene, Oregon I saw the Internet unfold, and beginning in 2005 I saw the potential of t...
Kin Lane

Google Accounts As Blueprint For All Software as a Service Applications

While there are many things I don’t agree with Google about, but they are pioneers on the Internet, and in some cases have the experience to lead in some very important ways. In this scenario I’m thinking about Google Account management, and how it can be used as blueprint for all other Software as a Service (SaaS) applica...
Kin Lane

Beta Testing Linkrot.js On API Evangelist

I started beta testing a new JavaScript library, combined with API, that I’m calling linkrot.js. My goal is to address link rot across my blogs. There are two main reasons links are bad on my site, either I moved the page or resource, or a website or other resource has gone away. To help address this problem, I wrote a simple J...
Kin Lane

One Characteristic Of Many Of The Enterprise API Folks I Meet

When I run into enterprise folks at events, one of the common characteristics I notice, is they always tell me how much they read my blog. Yay! Many of these people have Twitter accounts, which follow me and I follow them, and they can usually reference specific topics or posts I've written—demonstrating they do indeed read. Most o...
Kin Lane

Solving The Problem Of API Discovery

API discovery has not changed much since 2005, when John Musser launched ProgrammableWeb, the API directory we've all come to know and love. In 2014 (9 years later), we have Mashape and a handful of other API directory...
Kin Lane

Partnering For Me Is About Sharing Of Ideas, Research and Stories

I just turned down a potential partnership with a major enterprise company. As I do with many stories, I will scrub the names of those involved, because there is no reason to blame a single company, this is a lesson any large entity can learn from—for this story, we’ll just call them Acme Inc. Acme Inc. contacted me a couple weeks ...
Kin Lane

I Will Be Speaking At APIDays In Berlin Next Week

I getting ready to heading to Berlin in the morning. I'm scheduled to speak at APIDays Berlin on Monday. APIDays is the sister site to #APIStrat, an event you will always find me at, no matter where it...
Kin Lane

Exploring The Domain Universe At Emory University

When I say the word “domain”, what does it conjure in your mind? Most likely if you are in the tech space, or adjacent to it, you think of a Internet domain like "". A virtual address you can use to point to different resources on the Internet, like websites, applications and APIs. If you rely on the diction...
Kin Lane

Business Of Internal APIs At IBM Impact Last Tuesday

I spoke on the business of internal APIs at the IBM Impact conference in Las Vegas, this last Tuesday. About 15 people attended my talk, but the conversations I had with folks afterwards, ...
Kin Lane

APIs, edX, Tableau, Google At UT Arlington

After I went to Emory University in Atlanta, and spoke at IBM Impact in Las Vegas this week, I...
Kin Lane

The Toll A Car Takes

I currently live in Los Angeles, and I do not own a car. People often don’t believe me when I say I live in Los Angeles without a car, but I do. When I need a vehicle I walk down the road to Enterprise rental car and get the vehicle I need, for only the exact time I need it. This week I needed to attend a 2 day meeting in Pasadena. Sinc...