
Kin Lane

Instagram Photo Book [Idea]

This is another post in my API Ideas series, I'm posting all my ideas for applications that could be built using the Mimeo Connect Cloud Print API. a popular Photo sharing IPhone applications has ...
Kin Lane

Infographic Poster Marketplace [API Ideas]

This is another post in my API Ideas series, I'm posting all my ideas for applications that could be built using the Mimeo Connect Cloud Print API. Infographics are becoming a c...
Kin Lane

Building My API Community with Elance

I'm building the API area for the Mimeo Connect Cloud Print API currently. When it is ready, I will need developers. I will need developers to write code samples, working on internal projects and be available to work on partner projects. I can't wait to build momentum and attract developers. I need dekinlane-productions2 ...
Kin Lane

github Repositories for Your API Ideas

I'm still working on the deployment of the Mimeo Connect Cloud Print API area. In the mean time I am preparing a lot of content to publish when its ready. I am noticing that code samples are common elements across my blog post, application directory and even some of my print ideas. Some code samples stand on their own, but most are inter...
Kin Lane

Facebook Responds to Data Concerns

Last week Facebook expanded the information available to external websites and applications to include profile address and mobile number. Ummm....Not Cool. Today they responded with: Over the weekend, we got some useful feedback that we could make people more clearly aware of when they are granting access to this d...
Kin Lane

Information Curation with My Google Reader

I have a central keyword list that I use as a reference on a daily basis. I track these keywords across many tools from Google Reader, Google Webmaster, Read more →
Kin Lane

JQuery Powered Flipbook for Previewing Print Files

On my hunt for killer scripts and tools to go with with my Cloud Print API, I came across a way cool JQuery Flipbook script over at codecanyon. Read more →
Kin Lane

Documents as Cloud Printing Objects

I know very little about the Print industry. As I'm learning I find myself applying my programming and IT background to everything. Currently I'm prototyping a Cloud Print platform that provides 2 step commercial Read more →
Kin Lane

Proofing a Scribd PDF Using Mimeo Connect

Now the PDF we pulled from Scribd is proofed. With the Product ID returned from the Mimeo Proof Service we can get the details of the proof. We need to make a second call to the Proof Service and Get the Proof. $root_url = ""; $user_name = "[user name]"; $password = "[user password]"; $rest = new MimeoRESTclient($root_url,$user_name,$password)...
Kin Lane

My First Open Source Github Repository

I have checked out and downloaded code from plenty of github repositories. I've even help manage a couple of private repositories for clients. I have never actually shared an open source repository before. A virgin of sorts. I posted the Read more →
Kin Lane

Pulling a PDF Using Scribd API and PHP

This call returns an XML response containing relevant file information: <rsp stat="ok"> <download_link> </download_link> <title> The Future of Reading and Publishing is Social </title> <page_count>4</page_count> <height>792</...
Kin Lane

Image Management in the Cloud

I am taking some time and writing down my image management strategy to share with Audrey. I have a specific process and set of tools I use to manage images I use across my Kin Lane Blog, API Evangelist Blog and my Twitter, LinkedIn...
Kin Lane

Visualize Big Data with BigQuery and Google Spreadsheets

Being the big data geek I am, I'm pretty excited that Google has integrated BigQuery with Google Apps Script and Google Spreadsheets. This means you can take power of BigQuery for storing and querying of very large data sets and combine them using Google Apps Scripts with any of your Google Spreadsheets. With a simple query Google...
Kin Lane

Quora Exposes JSON API

Quora has exposed a JSON-based data API that allows users to access data about a currently logged-in user. To request particular fields about the currently logged-in user, you can add fields to a query string and append to kinlane-prkinlane-productions2 Currently supported fields include: Read more →
Kin Lane

Music of the Stock Market

I am intrigued of any patterns or art you can extract from Big Data. I have been fascinated by the art of fractal mathematics since my 7th grade social studies teacher introduced me to them in 1984. Her boyfriend w...
Kin Lane

Statistical Aspects of Data Mining

Course Description: Data mining is used to discover patterns and relationships in data. Emphasis is on large complex data sets such as those in very large databases or through web mining. Topics: decision trees, neural networks, association rules, clustering, case based methods, and data visualization. The following chapters from the textbook will be covered i...
Kin Lane

Cloud Computing: Public vs Private [Infographic]

There are as many definitions of cloud as there are technology bloggers. However, the major theme is that a Public Cloud provides IT resources that are provisioned remotely from the consumer and operated by a third party. In a Private Cloud, the infrastructure policies are governed by a single organization where workloads and data can be moved to and from internal and external data centers. Private Clouds provide an organization a single point of control for security, manageability, p...
Kin Lane

The Power of Using APIs

Here is a brief example of how APIs can quickly deliver value in every day business. I wanted a way to evaluate the content of bookmarks using my Pinboard (anti-social) application So I employed the Read more →
Kin Lane

Mining of Massive Data Sets

Mining of Massive Data Sets is a book evolved from material developed over several years by Anand Raja- raman and Jeff Ullman for a one-quarter course at Stanford. The course titled Web Mining, was designed as an advanced graduate course, although it has become accessible and interesting to advanced undergraduates. ...
Kin Lane

Setting Data Free with Scraping

I was just reading Setting Government Data Free with ScraperWiki from ProgrammableWeb. It led me to start playing with ScraperWiki: Read more →
Kin Lane

Twitter for Business

Twitter has a business center setup to help people make the most of Twitter for their business. You can find tools, starting with the basis: What is Twitter? Twitter Glossary
Kin Lane

Google Trends - Application Programming Interface

I thought the visualization of the search and news traffic for Application Programming Interface (API) at Google Trends was interesting enough to share. You have to ask yourself: What 2011 will look like for
Kin Lane

Snippely - Code Management

As a programmer I am constantly looking for new ways to manage my code libraries and make myself more efficient. I need to be able to store small and large snippets of code in about 3-5 different languages. I need to be able to categorize, name them and post code as plain text. I have migrated from Visual Studio to Adobe Dreamweaver (i know, don't even say it) to Aptana as my primary IDE in the last...
Kin Lane

Google Apps as a Business Platform

In a little over three weeks Google has released 14 of their regular web applications as part of the Google Apps cloud platform. Now in addition to the core email, dockinlane-productions2 and chat you have 14 new web applications: Read more →
Kin Lane

API Evangelist Weekly Review

Here is the coverage for the week from API Evangelist. Evernote API Review Android and IOS SDKs for Amazon Web Services Read more →