
Kin Lane

Event and Conference Internet

After writing a little about the pathetic state of event and conference Wifi and 3G Internet I've continued going through my notes on this subject. I really need to make progress in this area for events I manage, so I would like to put o...
Kin Lane

Conference Badges

I see a lot of conference badges. WebEvents Global specializes in print on demand badges that make the conference check-in experience a breeze. I just finished reading a blot post about Book on a Hook, a bad...
Kin Lane

Amazon Security Groups for EC2

I was working on the review of my small business IT infrastructure today, which includes our servers at Amazon EC2. As I was looking at my "server role" definitions and the corresponding Amazon EC2 Security Groups I saw a new bl...
Kin Lane

TeleHa?h - Distributed JSON Peering Protocol

TeleHash is a new wire protocol for exchanging JSON in a real-time and fully decentralized manner, enabling applications to connect directly and participate as servers on the edge of the network. It is designed to efficiently route and distribute small bits of data in order for app...
Kin Lane

SXSW 2011

One event I am looking forward to is the SXSW 2011 conference. Audrey and I are planning way ahead so that we can attend the Music and Interactive parts of the event. I am very excited about the potential lineup for both tech and music. Wha...
Kin Lane

Small Business IT Review

I got really busy over April and May and neglected a some of my infrastructure. I'm doing a thorough review / audit of all my Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure. In this era of Cloud Computing my review does not stop at workstations, servers and printers. All services provided by 3rd...
Kin Lane

Evaluating Who You Should Build Relationships With

Back when I ran my social media marketing company in 2008 I would help clients understand what blogs were important in their industry, and which blogs they should be working to build a relationship with. We used all types of tools and metrics for making this decision from Alexa ranking, number of comments on site to just a gut feeling...
Kin Lane

Microsoft Kin Crazy

I'm getting a little annoyed by Microsoft using my name in their new products. A while back they released their mobile technology and platform targeting the youth, called Kin. (taking a pretty sweet domain name) kinlane-productions2kinlane-productions2 Now today I've read that Microsoft will be renaming their gaming controller project Natal to Kinect
Kin Lane

HTML 5 - Web SQL Database

Kin Lane

Full Text Search as a Service in the Clouds

One trend I'm seeing more of lately, is the migration of existing open-source technologies into the clouds, transforming them into Software as a Service As the cloud stack keep evolving you see some excellent examples of cloud service providers doing one thing, and doing it well. So you don't have to....
Kin Lane

After the Event and Conference is Over

I review how a lot of events are managed to keep an eye out for best practices. One of the most valuable things an event can do is to video tape each one of its sessions. I'm sure this can be a fairly costly endeavor, but is money well spent. Google goes the extra mile with their post event wrap up. You can go to the Read more →
Kin Lane

Adobe AIR 2.0 Released

The Adobe AIR team released Adobe Air 2.0 the other day, you can download the latest version now. With Adobe AIR 2.0 you can release AIR applications on: Windows Mac OS Linux kinlane-productions2kinlane-productions2 They claim the biggest improveme...
Kin Lane

Launching Amazon Instance for Research

I'm launching a new Amazon EC2 instance. Its running Windows + PHP + MySQL. Its a preset up instance AMI I have for harvesting data. Its setup with necessary harvest scripts with all my libraries setup just for pulling RSS, XML, and scraping HTML pages. I'm doing some research about how to grow my Goog...
Kin Lane

Screen Capture to FTP

I was just test driving the Free Screenshot Sharing Application called SPGrab. I like the idea of seamless sharing after you take a screenshot. They allow you to automatically upload to FTP location of your choice. Putting it in a ftp location you potentially have the ability to automatically share it. Read more →
Kin Lane

Mobile is the Future

The future is cloudy and accessed through mobile platforms according to the Future of the Internet, Cloud Computing report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. I agree with most of the findings there, I think it will roll out a l...
Kin Lane

Google Reader Network

I recently removed a couple of aggregated tech news sources from my Google Reader. There are a few sources that I think are going beyond what I find valuable in my tech business world. I am relying on my Google Network of friends to refer common stories from major tech news sources to me. I often foun...
Kin Lane

Data Visualization Tools - US Map

With the amount of data being made available every day, visualizing tools are increasingly important. The average user needs to see data rolled up in a way that is attractive and easy to understand. I'm going to be keeping my eye out for easy to use tools that help us data scientist transform data into mean...
Kin Lane

Event Social Media Footprint

Blog - A blog to give the event a voice. RSS Feed - An RSS feed from the event blog or other event elements. Login / Connect - Login tools allowing users to user their existing social network profiles to register for event. OpenID - The standard for user login credentials. Facebook - Login / Registration using F...
Kin Lane

Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS)

I was helping someone choose a blogging platform today and they sent me a link for a possible choice. It was Squarespace. At first I thought, "This isn't a quick and dirty FREE blogging platform." I left the tab open and quickly setup a Wordpress ...
Kin Lane

Best Selection of Wordpress Themes

I've set up quite a few Wordpress blogs in my day. I've spent hours and hours looking for a theme for various Wordpress installations. In some recent searching I came across a new site of FREE and Premium Wor...
Kin Lane

Amazon S3 File Explorer

Amazon Web Services finally added an S3 Bucket explorer to the Amazon Console. I was mentioning last week about how mature the offerings in the AWS console are getting, and how the the whole suite of Amazon Web Services is ready for use by Small Business.
Kin Lane

Running Your Event in the Cloud - Site Hosting

Hosting a web site for an event or conference can be costly. Traffic to the web site spikes around email campaigns, call for papers, registration opening, before and during the event. Hosting providers that can handle the volume of traffic around events and conferences can be expensive. The Read more →
Kin Lane

Running Your Event in the Cloud - Email

Email is still the number one tool for managing events and communicating with attendees, speakers, and exhibitors. Social network is definitely the future of the event communication, but until then email rules. kinlane-productions2kinlane-productions2 Sending out call for papers, speaker, exhibitor, attendee invitations and other emails around a conference can require a well oiled email infrastructure to make sure emails get into the inbox.
Kin Lane

Impermanence and the Cloud

I was reminded today that nothing is permanent in the cloud. I accidentally terminated my primary database instance running on Amazon EC2. 319 databases, 100 GB of data running on SQL Server 2008. I was removing 2 decommissioned server instances, I selected both of them and clicked terminate. About 60 seconds later I started getting alerts that my web sites are down. I refreshed my Amazon Console and saw that my primary database instance was terminating. 5 hours later I have e...
Kin Lane

Google Spreadsheet as Real-Time Data Source

I was just talking with Google I/O events team about keeping events sessions up to date on the conference and event sessions page. Sessions change rapidly and updates are needed by multiple teams in real-time. Web-site(s), support personnel, marketing, etc all need updated information. There are multiple digital and human sources that need the updates. Read more →