
Kin Lane

HP ePrint

ePrint is a service from HP that allows printing to select HP printers over the Internet. When an HP web connected printer registers it gets an email address. Since printers receive print jobs by email, this enables printing to any HP web enabled printer that is connected to the Internet. ePrint enables print...
Kin Lane

Google Cloud Print

Google Cloud Print provides a printing platform that allow printers to be accessed over the Internet by mobile phone, tables and computers. Google Cloud Print enables printing over the Internet to web enabled printers or older printers using a proxy software that users can installed on Windows, and soon Mac and Linux platforms. kinlane-pkinlane-productions2 Cloud Printing is a...
Kin Lane

Google Cloud Print, HP ePrint, and Apple Airprint

I've been spending time learning about the three major platform we think about when we hear the term cloud printing. Apple Airprint HP ePrint Google Cl...
Kin Lane

Apple Airprint

Apple AirPrint enables printing on Apple products to HP printers over a wireless network. Airprint enables printing without installing drivers or configuring a printer queue. Apple products that support AirPrint are: iPad (running iOS 4.2 or later) iPod Touch (running iOS 4.2 or later) iPhone (running iOS 4.2 or later) Mac Computers Running ...
Kin Lane

Mobile Editing of Google Spreadsheets in 45 Languages

Google has enabled many of the same mobile editing capabilities in Google Docs, for Google Spreadsheets. You can now edit Google Spreadsheets in 45 languages on Android, IPhone and IPad devices...
Kin Lane

Google Social Network Profile

I like my new Google Profile. Its a cleaner, more organized version of its former self. I see the Google Social Network coming together in slow motion around my existing Google ap...
Kin Lane

Use Elance To Developer Your API SDK and Code Samples

kinlane-productions2 API code samples and software development kits (SDK) are among the most important tools for getting developers up and running with any API. Providing complete sets of code samples for every area of an API and in as many programming languages as you can is important to a developer's (and an API's) success. With complete sets of code samples in a w...
Kin Lane

Managing Google Cloud Printers

I have been getting a lot of questions from users regarding how to manage their Google Cloud Printers. To help guide users stumbling across my site, there are two types of...
Kin Lane

If You Build It(an API), They Will Come

One of the goals of any API is to catch the attention of developers and become a tool they depend on and integrate regularly into their applications. If you build an API and release it into the wild -- even if it's high quality -- there are no guarantees the developers will immediately come. Even the big players like Read more →
Kin Lane

Google Cloud Print Job Notifications Using XMPP

I made it over the last hurdle building my Google Cloud Print Proxy in PHP. I have a prototype for the Google Cloud Print, XMPP Print Job Notification Service. Even though you can pull print jobs via the GCP /fetch inter...
Kin Lane

Gmail Loses Email and Reminds Us That...

I'm reading all the posts, tweets and streams about Google losing the emails of a whole bunch of Gmail accounts. I see the the cloud computing naysayers stepping up with, "SEE, don't get too dependent on the cloud!" <...
Kin Lane

Developer Project History in Real-Time

One of my biggest complaints about the concept of a resume is that you only update it when you need a job. If you only update your job or project history when your looking for a job, its going to go through quite a "fabrication" process. It won't represent what happened, how you felt, and all the details of the moment won't...
Kin Lane

Achieve an API Ecosystem with Powered by Elance

kinlane-productions2 Taking an API from area to community takes a lot of work. It just doesn't happen overnight. It takes a perfect balance of technology, developers, partners, resources and hard work. APIs are a big part of the future of a distributed workforce, and developer communities like Elance are building the workfo...
Kin Lane

Google Docs as a Publishing Platform

kinlane-productions2kinlane-productions2 As I'm spending a lot of time with Google Docs lately, I'm getting to see it in a different perspective. Google Docs has always been a singular document editor for me. When you step back and look at it from 100K foot, you start to see a bigger picture. I'm seeing the potential of Google Docs as a publishing platform. Google...
Kin Lane

File Formats for Google Docs API

I am defining various aspects of the Google Docs platform in conjunction with my Google Cloud Print Proxy work. I need to know what is possible via the
Kin Lane

Visualizing Federal Spending - Data Viz Challenge

Understanding how the federal government spends our money is on all of our minds, especially this time of year. I recently pulled out an old tool I build last year to visual the State of Oregon spending, and reworked it to help visualize Obamas 2012 Federal Budget. I wanted to set what my priorities were regarding the federal budget. I'm not 100% finished, s...
Kin Lane

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with Google Docs API

Using the Google Docs List API you can convert high-resolution PDFs or images into editable text using Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
Kin Lane

New Millimeter-Scale Computer

The University of Michigan Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science has announced a prototype millimeter-scale computer along with their paper on the subject at at the
Kin Lane

Google Docs File Size Limitations

I spent some time this evening researching file size limitations for Google Docs. Here is what I found: Documents - 512,000 characters, regardless of the number of pages or font size. Uploaded document files that are converted to Google documents format can't be larger than 1MB. Spreadshe...
Kin Lane

Google Digitizing Books from Czech National Library

Google is partnering with the Czech National Library to digitize up to 200,000 works from the historical collection dating back to the 11th cent...
Kin Lane

Document Translation with Google Docs API

Google Docs Listing API provides document translation at file upload. When upload a document you can enable document translation with the following parameters: targetLanguage=x sourceLanguage=y Google can also autodetect the so...
Kin Lane

Real-Time API Updates with XMPP

I'm working on my prototype for a Google cloud printer that runs on a server. To set the stage, I want to get cloud print jobs sent from Google Docs using the
Kin Lane

Protests Dominate News

It makes me hopeful to see the top news stories are protests in Libya, Wisconsin, and China. The world is on fire.
Kin Lane

Spending Priorities with the Federal Budget 2012

Most of the time I feel pretty powerless when it comes to politics in our country. As I see it I have two ways to express myself: Voting Taxes Voting always feels like I'm forced to pick the lesser of two evils. Very rarely do I ever have positi...
Kin Lane

Host Your Entire Website at Amazon S3

Amazon made some more tweaks to Amazon S3 that make it even easier to host your entire static web site at Amazon S3....