
Kin Lane

2013 Is Year The Infographic Comes Out of Closet

Could have asked for better timing between a link from Audrey and email from Visually.  Such an important message I want to share in 2013.  I will be making this a theme. Read more →
Kin Lane

Connecting My Platforms Into One Stack Overflow Resume

I received an email from Stack Overflow today asking me to fill out a new Careers 2.0 profile today.  After finishing I have to say, they provide a very slick process for populating my profile...
Kin Lane

Evolution of My Technology Platform Over Last 24 Years

Every couple of years I migrate my platform a little bit forward (hopefully) and begin weaving in new tools into my personal and business world. I recently spent some time looking back, and trying to map out the last 24 years of my professional technology career--in hopes of helping me understand how far I've come. 1988 - When I firs...
Kin Lane

Creating Two Levels of Open Engagement with Github Pages and Disqus

I’m moving all my side projects to run on Github as open source repositories. One of my goals in doing this, is to facilitate engagement around my projects, as opposed to developing them in isolation. My projects all start as a public Github repository, equipped a subdomain pointed at a Read more →
Kin Lane

All Side Projects Are Now Hosted on Github

I’m working through the 2012 year, trying to quantify what I did over the year. It’s not as easy as it sounds. One area I’m having trouble quantifying is how much programming I do. Programming is an essential variable in my happiness algorithm. If I’m not programming...
Kin Lane

Sexism in the Tech Space

I just finished reading Asher Wolf’s Dear Hacker Community – We Need To Talk. I have so many emotions bubbling up, it’s hard to know how to organize them. I envy her for being able to express them so eloquently and in detail. First, bef...
Kin Lane

The Places I Traveled in 2012

The end of the year is a great time for reflection. 2012 was kind of a blur, and with the amount of API Evangelism I did, I had little time to reflect on where I went and the places I enjoyed. I wanted a quick way to create some kind of visualization, showing where i had been over the year.  Foursquare was the first placed I looked and using Singly I was quickly able to pull my year of checkins. Read more →
Kin Lane

If Quora and IFTTT Had a Love Child

I'm spending a lot of time asking questions about 2012 for various year-end stories. Some questions I can just go to my database and pull numbers, others I can use various APIs to ask questions of common tools I u...
Kin Lane

Moving From Instagram to Flickr

I stopped using my Instagram account this week. I migrated all of my photos to Flickr, and removed Instagram from my iPhone. I’m doing this in protest of the ...
Kin Lane

Instagram Terms of Use Change Represents a Lack of Imagination

As a startup, you are bound to reach a point in your evolution where money will blind you, whether its during roadmap planning or communicating with your customers--eventually you will be blinded by your investors. Once you’ve taken on enough investment, or the load of the parent company who acquired, you will st...
Kin Lane

Silicon Valley Tells Stories to Protect Its Own

I'm closely following the whole Instagram terms of service discussion. I will be watching closely and if Instagram follows through with implementing these TOS changes, I will migrate my photos and close my account.
Kin Lane

API Driven, Big Data Opportunity in Europe

I just got back from France this week where I was attending API Days in Paris. I thoroughly enjoyed many deep discussions with folks about big data and APIs, coming home with what I feel is a pretty clear difference between the US approach and the potential EU approach to APIs and b...
Kin Lane

Business Models for Your API as a Start-Up #APIDays

The organizers of APIs Days asked me at the last moment if I'd like to do a third talk at the European API event, due to last minute cancellations.  Of course, I jumped on the opportunity to generate to material and work through it in fr...
Kin Lane

Start-Up Offers Blueprints For 3D Printed Parts

kinlane-productions2kinlane-productions2 I read a great post recently about how a company called Teenage Engineering has started providing 3D CAD files that allow their customers to 3D prin...
Kin Lane

Make Your Own About.json File For Your Company Website

I spend a lot of time trying to find company logos and a little blurb about what a company does.  You'd think in this cloudy API driven world there would a simpler way.   I decided to create my own solution.  I created an about.json file for API Evangelist. When you need my company logo, a quick description about API E...
Kin Lane

Does The Way I Look Make You Uncomfortable? Ok Now You're Ready for APIs!

Lots of big news coming out of Apple's World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC2011) in San Francisco today. We saw major enhancements coming down the pipes with IOS 5 and Mac OS X Lion. What really stood out was their new
Kin Lane

New York's Growing Mobile Developer Meetup Scene

I’m continuing my research into how various cities operate their developer meetups, with a focus on mobile developer gatherings. Today I’m focusing on New York City, a town that is fast becoming a contender with Silicon Valley for developer talent. I went through the meetups ...
Kin Lane

Learning From San Francisco and Bay Area Developer Meetups

I’m spending time profiling eight of the top developer markets in the country. My goal is to profile the building blocks of cities that have healthy developer communities, and from the research write several blog posts, and a white paper that will help other underserved communities unders...
Kin Lane

2012 Presidential Debates

While your all reasserting and protecting your already existing position on your political views based upon what you saw on TV tonight…please try to step back and look at the bigger picture. Your in a world of a lot of people, whether you like it or not. You have to exist with everyone else in it. For better or for worse. And no matter how much you wish everyone to be just like you, we aren't. And that is the beauty of it. And when you want to blindly cut governmen...
Kin Lane

Social Network Authentication Using Singly (PHP Edition)

As an active user of a variety of cloud services I’ve become very accustom to authenticating using my social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, LInkedin or Github, rather than creating yet another new account. If I want access to an online service, and...
Kin Lane

What Drives Me Crazy When Integrating With a New API?

I was directed to an API question today, that needs to be asked constantly in the space: What’s your biggest web API pet peeve? What drives you crazy when integrating with a new API? — Wynn Netherland (@pengwynn) September 8, 2012 My response was:
Kin Lane

Why Don't I Have Easy Access to all My Online Personal Data

I was just downloading all of my Facebook data. You can go under your account settings and there is a little link that lets you download everything.  It takes some time to generate a full archive, but once my archive is ready, they’ll email me and I can get at my data and see what the down...
Kin Lane

Presenting 5K to Winners of the Techcrunch NYC Hackathon

While contracting with CityGrid this spring, one event I sponsored and participated in was the TechCrunch NYC Hackathon.  The hackathon was definitely one of the larger hackathons I've attended, filling an entire warehouse.   I gave a workshop on how to use the CityGrid hackathon, then after the hac...
Kin Lane

How to Run a Successful Hackathon for Your Open APIs

Hackathons are exploding in popularity and open API publishers are quickly realizing the power they have to attract developers. For API publishers, hackathons represent one of the most powerful means for growing an API’s profile and engaging directly with talented developers. If you want learn more about hackathons, Read more →
Kin Lane

Diving Deeper Into Data from Research

I was reading a report commissioned by Google and conducted by Ipsos MediaCT in partnership with the Mobile Marketing Association and the Interactive Advertising Bureau, called Our Mobile Planet. You can find the report at Read more →