
Kin Lane

Google IO Wrapup

I am still processing my notes and information from the Google I/O conference in San Francisco last week. I will be making some individual posts on different sessions I attended. I wanted to speak to my overall experience at the conference. I had a little insight behind the scenese because even though I went as an attendee the company I work for WebEvents global handled the regi...
Kin Lane

Google IO Keynote - Day One

I am not blogging to among the A list bloggers or drive large amounts of traffic to my blog. I do this primarily for myself and as a result I tend to have some readers and followers. At conferences I tend to take notes and when I find time and get in the blogging spirit I will blog about these topics. So here are some thoughts form the
Kin Lane

IPhone Application Directory in a Magazine

I was browsing the magazine rack at borders books this morning as I often do. I notice an IPhone Application directory magazine. Besides the fact that Mac and I everything seems to dominate the technology section of the magazine rack, Apple really is on it when it comes to publishing. I would like to see a Blackberry, Android, and other smart phone application directory or overview publication. I think this would be one more step towards the other handheld platforms competing against ...
Kin Lane

Open Data and Transparency for the Government

I am excited about the recent launch of I am very passionate about what API and open data access can do for companies and belive the same is true about Government. Now that the site is launched....we need some data. Doesn't look like much is available quite yet. I queried all categories and all agencies and got eight results. Its a start. I will be watching on a regular basis to see what data sets show up. Hopefully many more agencies see the value in posting t...
Kin Lane

Making Web Application Portable Using Adobe Air

I am enjoying taking a current web application and making it run in Adobe Air. So far I have quickly ported an existing ColdFusion web application over to run within a downloadable Adobe
Kin Lane

End of a Busy Week at SAP SAPPHIRE 2009

Finished up a very busy week yesterday at the SAP SAPPHIRE 2009 conference in Orlando, FL. Haven't had much time on my hands to do any blogging or much of anything beyond just managing registration at SAPPHIRE. The show was a success. I feel good about it. It was my first on-site with the company and it is our largest event of the year. We had several technology successes including Airport Registration at the Orlando Airport and Self Check-In Kiosks. Both were ...
Kin Lane

Too tired to Blog...

Haven't had much time lately to blog. Currently getting ready for the SAP SAPPHIRE event in Orlando.
Kin Lane

Amazon EC2 Recovery

I just finished a recovery of an amazon EC2 instance that failed. It failed not due to anything related to the Amazon EC2 instance. It was something Java related in the ColdFusion environment, and still trying to figure out. Anwyays, as soon as I saw I couldn't recover the services necessary to run the application I quickly deployed a new instance from the AMI I had created of the production isntance a couple weeks ago. Once up I copied all web site files. This frustrated me a...
Kin Lane

Google Sites Indexing

I started doing some research on cloud computing a couple weeks ago. I have been watching the Google search results for my name to see how long it took for this research to float up in my profile. It showed up at #28 now. I have seen other pages too show up below that. I am interested in seeing how quickly you can launch a site using
Kin Lane

Stimulus Money Tracking

I have seen a lot of press about how the stimulus money is being spend and tracked. I have come across many ideas for how this should be tracked. I have gone through all 50 states recovery web sites as well as many of the federal agency web sites. There is definitely no rhyme or reason to how thiis money and projects are being tracked. I see several organizations such as the Sunlight Foundation, Read more →
Kin Lane

Small Business Content Chain

I am spending an hour or two each week and working with my mother and her business partner on growing their small business. Last weekend I spend some time in Ashland coming back from California and helped them talk through their business. We identified some problems in their supply chain, however they are making great strides in documenting and streamlining this process. Wher...
Kin Lane

Recovery Money Investment Data Feeds

I am seeing more and more data available at the web site. The site provides some great overview of money distributed, but it takes forever to really dive into specific aspects of where the money is being spent at the local, state or federal level. What I would like to see is on this Investments by Agency page, in addition to available and paid out amounts by agency is...
Kin Lane

Mobile Application Development

Watching the recent explosion in growth around IPhone applications and seeing the potential for other mobile application development on Blackberry, Android and other platforms...I can't help but think how this is the future of computing. I see many useful business and fun applications on the I...
Kin Lane

Education of Politicians Around Cloud Computing

I am a big advocate for educating politicians and our leaders on cloud computing and what it can do to save money and open up our government for more involvement by the public at large. I am amazed at how many leaders are already in the know about cloud computi...
Kin Lane

Security in the Cloud vs. ISP

I have had several talks with small businesses about their comapnies infrastructure and what the next steps are. When I bring up cloud computing, the first question I get is in regards to security. How secure is our data, our apps? Valid questions and cloud service providers have a lot of proving to do here in alleviating the concerns of small and medium sized busin...
Kin Lane

My Google Profile

I was waiting for my Google Profile to float up in my listings. I watch the top 20 Google search results for my name fairly often. It is important to me what shows there.
Kin Lane

Google Cloud Enterprise Integregation

Google continued maturing their cloud offerings for the enterprise world yesterday with a Google Apps LDAP integration tool. Google Apps Directory Sync now lets businesses and schools with an LDAP user directory system transiti...
Kin Lane

Best Flash Image Slideshows

I am always looking for quality flash slidehows and image galleries to display products, people and nature pictures. There are some gr eat paid solutions out there. I just stumbled across what I would consider the best assortment of FREE flash image galleries. Take a look:
Kin Lane

Recomendations for Government Transparency

I used up all my mojo on my last post, and really can't write much on this topic right now, but I have to at least share this posting I found tonight: Recovery Recommendations From I School Faculty Sent to the US Government It is the best recommendation I have read regarding how to change the Government and spend some recovery / stimulus money. I will write more about it later, ...
Kin Lane

GUI for Amazon SimpleDB

I really love the Amazon SimpleDB tool. The concept is great. Many of the web applications I build use only very basic database functionality. I have come across many companies that use SQL Server and pay the license but they only use 10% of the functionality. They use it for Simple Storage. So I have really advocated for the movement to Read more →
Kin Lane

Evolving Our Government

Lately I am very interested in the Government usage of social media and cloud computing (SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS<...
Kin Lane

Doing One Thing Well - Web Site Sharing

I am always talking about how many software and service providers out there should really focus on doing one thing and doing it very well. This is a personal goal of mine as well. I cam across another web service this evening that I would put into that category. It is called ShareThis. The provide web site sharing tools that are plug and play. They also provide advanced tools like API, Reporting and more. Very well...
Kin Lane

Cloud Computing Opportunities

I have been spending time researching different aspects of cloud computing and opportunities out there to evangelize about it. I was researching Recovery money going to the National Science Foundation. As of today it isn't flowing quite yet. Then I got curious of other project funding opportunities there are with the National Sc...
Kin Lane

SaaS and the Future

Was reading this post on, 90% of SaaS companies and Most I.T. Major Players will not exist in present form by recession's end. I really can't speak to how much the recession and current economic crisis will affect <...
Kin Lane

Open Platform for Your Small Business

Reading various posts about application development platforms for IPhone, Blackberry, Vodafone, Android and many others. Being a big fan of Wikinomics, Crowdsourcing and all those visionary 2.0...