
Kin Lane

Launched Instance in New Amazon Region - US West

I just launched my first Amazon EC2 instance in the new US West Region. They recently extended the cloud to a Northern California region. So I thought I' d test drive with a new instance and went ahead and reserved 5 IP address for use with other instances. Can't wait to see a South America, Asian and other Regions for easy global cloud deployment.
Kin Lane

New Digg API

I am going through Diggs new API to see what added benefit it brings to the table. Digg usually is lower on the radar of many of my clients when it comes to sharing their news and information. Although it definitely can come into play pretty quickly. So I am curious what the new benefits the new Digg API brings to event managers and other potential clients.
Kin Lane

Better Google Analytics

I have been playing with a new tool that gives you more control over your Google Analytics called Trakkboard. Google Analytics gives you a lot of tools, probably more than you really ever use. However I am always looking for new takes on how to access and absorb all of the data they give you. Trakkboard gives you the opportunity to: compare data from several Google Analyt...
Kin Lane

At the mercy of SPAM black lists

SPAM black lists come in very handy for filtering out servers that potentially are sending SPAM. However every once in a while I get a server listed and I get stuck in hell. Our primary mail server got black listed yesterday at some point, and it happens to be a black list that SAP references. So of course no emails will go to our biggest client. I requested with Trend Micro MAPS to have us removed yesterday at 5:00 PM. Here it ...
Kin Lane

LinkedIn Opens API

LinkedIn finally opened up their API to the world. It gives you authentication, profile, and network access to LinkedIn Profiles. It is definitely a step forward. Unfortunately I am looking for access to the events, question and answer, and group access through the API as well. Also I would like access to the LinkedIn application platform too! I guess I want the world, but access to the profiles is a start. LinkedIn seems to be way behi...
Kin Lane

Cloud Infrastructure Version Control

I use Subversion pretty religiously in our development environment. It bothers a lot of developers and other key people because it can be perceived as a bottle-neck. I am always amazed at how many organizations I work with (tech development shops) do not use subversion at all. I feel its mandatory. <...
Kin Lane

White House Development 2.0 Challenge

The White House recently announced the Development 2.0 Challenge, a Tech Competition for the Developing World. They ar...
Kin Lane

Google Analytics and Feedburner Integration

Google has just announced Feedburner integration with Google Analytics. Now when you are using both Google Analytics and FeedBurner, you will see campaign attribution for item clicks tracked by your AdSense For Feeds or your Google FeedBurner account. Even many businesses that have fully embraced RSS a...
Kin Lane

Starting Your Business in Oregon (Do It!)

I have been getting asked by friends for information on how to setup their own business. I think in these hard times getting a business going can be a very appealing alternative to finding another job. While I was doing the research I figured I'd just publish here for everyone to reference. This generally applies to starting a business in Oregon, because that is where I am located. First go to the State of Oregon and fill out the Read more →
Kin Lane

Google Word Doc to Google Presentation Converter

Here is a tool / idea that I came up with out of necessity. Like many of my ideas I probably will never get time to actually do it. So I am putting it out there to the universe and hopefully someone will do. I am building an outline using Google Docs. This outline is my detailed breakdown of a web application. I am getting close to having outline finished.
Kin Lane

Default Personal Firefox Browser Tabs

When I start my day I tend to open one browser and deploy all my work / business related applications and one browser for all my personal related applications. My personal browser tabs have been: Gmail Google Calendar w/ Google Tasks Bar Google News which switches to Google Reader after the morning Facebook Wordpress ( It has been this way for a while. I am now noticing a new shift in...
Kin Lane

How to Zip and Unzip Files

I love helping people learn about tools I take for granite. Things I know and use everyday. kinlane-productions2 I also enjoy people who are humble enough to ask for help and say they just don't know how to use something. I recently got asked how to create and use zip files. Using zip files is an important tool in maximizing...
Kin Lane

United States Quickly Falling Behind on World Stage

The United States is going to continue falling behind on the world stage as we prioritize spending our money on wars, wall street bailouts and other unnecessary things that do not help us grow as a society. Finland recentl...
Kin Lane

Facebook Personal Profile Reporting

Why don't I get some sort of traffic statistics for my Facebook profile? You get reporting if you buy advertising. I would like to see statistics for my page views, image, video and links. I should be able to see how many people are viewing my profile. Maybe you shouldn't show "who" is visiting...but I would at least some sort of Google Analytics for it.
Kin Lane

Class Wars Online

I have seen a lot of data trying support the class distinction between different users of online applications and services. I've seen the comparison between Facebook users being more intelligent and affluent than MySpace Users. I also saw a post on Mashable that Gmail users have higher credit scores than Ya...
Kin Lane

Playing with my Google Voice

I was playing with my Google Voice the last couple days. If I got more phone calls I could definitely see it being a bigger part of my life. Then I started playing with it more. I can get text messages using my Google Voice phone number. Nice. Then ...
Kin Lane

Issue Tracker Data API for Google Code Project Hosting

I Was just reading on the Google Code blog that they just released a new issue tracker data API for projects that you host on Google Code. It is a public ticketi...
Kin Lane

Forms that Generate PDF Documents

Was just checking out a cool service called doculicious. It allows people to create HTML forms that generate PDF and email them to you when the form is submitted. It is a inexpensive and easy way to collect users data and create a legible records of their information. They also provide a few other features: Email submission when forms are submitted Embed the forms ...
Kin Lane

Bulk SMS Gateway API and Email to SMS

Stumbling across several cool tools tonight. Came across this Bulk SMS Gateway. So you can send text messages (SMS) using this API and in addition you can also send text messages using email. The service is called TextMagic Bulk SMS Gateway. They offer a Java, Ruby , PHP, Python, Perl code as part of their SDK to connect. Ano...
Kin Lane

Reputation Management Advice from Google

I provide reputation management advice to many of my friends and colleagues and have lots of theories on how to best achieve desired results. Today I came across the same advice directly from Google. It is good to see Google providing their own reputation management advice.
Kin Lane

How Are You Using Facebook for Business?

This is from a response to a question I came across on LinkedIn Answers. I thought I should syndicate it here: There are many different approaches to using Facebook for business that I could go into depending on the industry your in and the audience you looking to engage. These variables heavily influence how you wo...
Kin Lane

Afraid of Technology and Change

As a technology leader I face a lot of resistance from employers, partners and co-workers regarding the usage of new technology. I spent a great deal of time each day reading technical blogs and learning about new technologies. I test drive new tools and applications almost daily to see what is out there and the benefit they offer. Fear of Technology
Kin Lane

World Time Zone Management

Our teams have been working on some meeting and event planning systems lately that are deployed for multiple global events spanning many time zones. So having quality time zone information and meeting scheduling accuracy is very important. I have researched and came across several interesting links: Time Zone Event Planner - Compare Multiple Time Zones ...
Kin Lane

Wordpress Plugin - WP-SpamFree

I started getting more traffic to my blog lately and with that came a bunch of SPAM. I dealt with for about a month than I began searching for a solution. Of course the Wordpress Plugin directory is where to go. I cam across the highly rated Wordpress WP-SpamFree plugin. I highly recommend it, it took care of my SPAM issues and so far I've only seen a handful of real comments.
Kin Lane

Wordpress Plugin - Booking Calendar

I am always impressed with where you can take Wordpress as a web site management tool. It goes well beyond just being a blogging platform or even a simple content management system. With the Plugin directory a site owner can take it a long way. There are tho...