
Kin Lane

Getting Ready for the X.Commerce Innovate Developer Conference in San Francisco

Kin Lane

Learning Management Systems (LMS) Integration with Instructure Canvas API

Kin Lane

Thank You Steve!

Kin Lane

Amazon Web Services Offers Server Side Encryption for Amazon S3

Amazon Web Services now offers Server Side Encryption (SSE) for Amazon S3, enablingthe ability to encrypt data stored in Amazon S3, by adding an additional request header when writing the object to Amaz...
Kin Lane

Printing from Cloud Storage Platforms

Kin Lane

Learning Management System (LMS) APIs

Kin Lane

Application for Printing and Sending Oversized Checks

Kin Lane

Canon Now Supports Air Print on Three Printers

Kin Lane

Twitter Launches New Web Analytics

It can be difficult to truly measure with accuracy, the amount of traffic that is driven to your site from Twitter.   Google Analytics and other providers are beginning to provide much deeper views into how social impacts our web traffic, but in many cases its best to get it from the source.  
Kin Lane

Printing and Publishing API Roundup

I'm doing my monthly review of the printing API playing field, and wanted to share every API I could find that delivers print-on-demand and self-publishing services for developers. The Enthusem API- The Enthusem API allows you to use the backend functions of Enth...
Kin Lane

Google Reader API

One thing I love about Google, is the APIs. The apps I use most like Gmail, Calendar and Docs all have APIs, allowing me to write code that works my accounts and its data, and integrate it into other applications. Well except for one application, Google Reader...
Kin Lane

Mimeo API Roundup

We added four new APIs, introducing a whole new type of APIs we'll be releasing from time to time here at Mimeo Connect. I'm calling them Document Printing APIs, because they are focused around printing specific type of document. F...
Kin Lane

Document Management in the Salesforce Cloud with Drawloop

Kin Lane

Breezy Launches Mobile Printing iPhone and iPad

Breezy has been working hard to get the new version of their iOS platform out the door, and build their partner network. I will be working with Jared at Breezy to offerMimeo print services, for overnight printing of common business documents, through the Breezy Platform.
Kin Lane

Spiral Notebook Printing API

Kin Lane

Mimeo Connect Flyer and Brochure Printing API

Kin Lane

Card Printing API

We've added a newAPI that provides card printing services for developers. It enables you to price and order commercially printed cards in different sizes, paper and coating from within your web and mobile applications.   The...
Kin Lane

Mimeo Connect Poster Printing API

Kin Lane

Printing from the Platform

I spent the entire day today on theDreamforceexpo floor at Moscone Center in San Francisco. 45K in attendees, it was intense. There is a LOT of buzz around the platform. I talked to quite a few Salesforce application de...
Kin Lane

Create PDF Files on iPhone and iPad with Adobe CreatePDF

Kin Lane

Save Money and Environment with Print Friendly

Print Friendlyis a simple, easy to web site that cleans and formats web pages for printing, by removing ads, navigation and other unwanted items. The free web site allows you to enter a URL and it will optimize the p...
Kin Lane

Quick Printing of Articles and Whitepapers from Website

I was reading an article today called, "What Do I Want from the Publisher of the Future?" on PLoS computational Biology, apeer-reviewed ope...
Kin Lane

Kindle Print Replica Content for Books and Texbooks

Amazon has released a new eBook formatcalledKindle Print Replica, which looks more like original print book format and can be read on the ...
Kin Lane

Getting Ready for DreamForce this week in San Francisco

Kin Lane

Translated Documents Before Printing with Google Translate API