
Kin Lane

Local, Geo Landscape Roundup - January 29th, 2012

From the Foursquare Blog From Starbucks to Sports Authority find your favorite places, even in a new city! - (01/27/2012) - Love Starbucks? On Starbucks foursquare pageyoull see a map with all the locations nearby, so you can pick the closest one to visit. Plus, when youre on aparticular Starbuck...
Kin Lane

Helping Voters Register with the Cost of Freedom Project

Last week during the Hackathon for Social Good in New York City, I was fortunate...
Kin Lane

Local, Geo Landscape Roundup - January 24th, 2012

From the Foursquare Blog Hey LA, now its your turn to save $5 on every Restaurant Week meal! - (01/23/2012) - New York Restaurant Week partnership with American Express, saving Card members $5 on every lunch and dinner they have at over 300 New York eateries. Today, we're excited to ...
Kin Lane

The Power of the People Demonstrated Using the Internet

A recent image from demonstrates the power of the people via the Internet, when it came to influencing our Government.  The image shows which members of Congress changed their position after the blackout protest of January 18, 2012.     Read more →
Kin Lane

Internet at Conferences and Hackathons Shows How Existing Business Practices Can Slow Innovation

I was at the Facebook Mobile Hackathon at a hotel in Boston today, and during the event the Internet started going in and out, and eventually stopped working. Since every demo was using the Facebook platform...
Kin Lane

Switch From SimpleGeo Places, Let CityGrid Pay You to Use Ours

With Urban AirShip shutting down SimpleGeo there are many developers left with the decision of where to go ...
Kin Lane

Urban Airship Shutting Down SimpleGeo

Just three months after Urban Airship acquired SimpleGeo, they are  Read more →
Kin Lane

Foursquare Launches Web Version of Recommendations

Foursquare just  Read more →
Kin Lane

Building Hyp3rL0cal Web and Mobile Apps

I needed a way to tell the story of the CityGrid API from the perspective of cities across the United States.  The way I tell stories is th...
Kin Lane

Local, Geo Landscape Roundup - January 9th, 2012

From the Foursquare Blog 3-2-1 foursquare Follow Friday, New Years Eve edition! 4sqFF- (12-30-2011) - Still figuring out your plans for celebrating the end of 2011? Check out these New Years Eve lists from New York, North Carolina, Miami, India, and all around the world! Know of celebrations going on in your town? <...
Kin Lane

Service Offered by Local, Social, Mobile API Providers

To kick-off my role as API Evangelist at CityGrid, I took a Read more →
Kin Lane

Local, Social, Mobile Elections 2012

As the Iowa caucuses, the first official vote of the 2012 primary season, come to a head, the republican candidates are working are to make their case to communities across the state. Whether via local cafes, truckstops, social networks, web sites, newspapers or polls everyone want to get their finger on the pulse of how ...
Kin Lane

Local, Geo Landscape Roundup - January 2nd, 2012

From the Foursquare Blog 3-2-1 foursquare Follow Friday, New Years Eve edition! #4sqFF- (12-30-2011) - Still figuring out your plans for celebrating the end of 2011? Check out these New Years Eve lists from New York, North Carolina, Miami, India, and all around the world...
Kin Lane

Local, Geo Landscape Roundup - December 26th, 2011

Kin Lane

Quick Walk Through World of Location & Places APIs

Kin Lane

LinkedIn Open-Sources IndexTank Search Technology

LinkedIn has just open-sourced the technology behind IndexTank under the Apache 2.0 License. The IndexTank technology has three separate toolsets:
Kin Lane

PyLadies Offers Grant Program for PyCon 2012

PyLadies, an organization that works to bring women to the forefront of the open source world is now offering a grant program for women in the Python community. The grant aims to make the conference more affordable for women of all levels of experience from all over the world. With an increasing focus on...
Kin Lane

Local Places Data Using CityGrid with Hyp3rL0cal

I needed to learn more about theCityGrid APIs. What better way than to actually build a prototype. I thought it would be good to have a
Kin Lane

Local, Geo Landscape Roundup - December 17th, 2011

Kin Lane

New Amazon South America Region

Amazon Web Services just announced a new South American Region located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. South America-based businesses and global ...
Kin Lane

Jumpstarting App Development with Twitter Bootstrap

Like many other engineers I've worked with, Twitter engineers will use any set of tools they are familiar with to deliver the front-end of their applications. Many of us app developers aren't UI experts, and many of the projects we build don't have requirements for a high quality UI, so we just slap...
Kin Lane

Print on Demand Coupon Books

I just added a new entry to theMimeo Idea Showcase. It is an idea forpersonalized, print-on-d...
Kin Lane

Dedicated Internet Network for the Occupy Movement

kinlane-productions2 As reported by Adrianne Jeffries of BetaBeat, the Read more →
Kin Lane

Amazon SNS Introduces SMS Messaging Service

Amazon Simple Notification Service now supports SMS text messages as a new method for notifications. Now with support for SMS text messaging, Amazon SNS messages can be delivered to SMS-enabled phone. For those of you who aren't ...
Kin Lane

Publisher Claims Ownership of Time-Zone Data

I've been following the latest copyrightinfringementlawsuit againstArthur Olson, a computer scientist at the National Institutes of Health, and Paul Eggert, a computer scientist at the University of California at Los Angeles. Read more →