I getting ready to heading to Berlin in the morning. I'm scheduled to speak at APIDays Berlin on Monday. APIDays is the sister site to #APIStrat, an event you will always find me at, no matter where it is at in the world.
APIDays has been pushing the conversation around APIs across Europe and the United States for a couple years now. While #APIStrat is focused on larger markets, and bigger events—APIDays is focused on new markets, and conversations within new business verticals, like the automobile API conversation, in San Francisco this June.
I’m scheduled for the end of the day Monday, so my talk titled “The Kin Lane Show”, will be a summary of the current state of API space, while also integrating the other talks I will see throughout the day. Something that will helps me fine tune a talk for a local audience and specifically for APIDays Berlin.
Hopefully you already have your tickets, if not you can catch me at the end of May at APIDays Mediterranea in Barcelona, and at APIDays San Francisco in June.