The Rules Committee has reached an agreement with Scribd.com for advertising-free Scribd sites for Members and Committees. Scribd is especially useful for viewing and sharing large documents that are not confidential, such as those intended for public access. As a free, web-based document sharing and display tool, scribed allows users to take a document in any format (Word, Adobe, Powertpoint)--upload it--and view it or share it on any computer or web-enabled mobile device without any additional programs or equipment. It has enhanced search functions on longer documents, and transforms any document into a web document that's discoverable through search engines, and can be shared on social networks. AsNate Hoffelder of Media Bistrosays, "The US Senate entered the 21st Century yesterday when it announced that it was adopting a number of new services as a way to better share news and information with the public."
Its great to see the US government realize the potential the cloud when it comes to storing and sharing documents. It will immediately make information more accessible, while also making the government more efficient. Now I wonder what we can do to help them realize the potential ofcloud printing?