Widgets and other embeddable objects are the number one request we get at
Mimeo Connect.
Everyone is busy these days, and they just need a quick way to enable users to build, purchase and
print documents from anywhere.
So I've started adding widgets to the
Mimeo Cloud Print Platform. Right now I just have HTML widgets, but soon I will be adding JavaScript versions.
I have eight widgets in 3 categories currently:
Building and Purchasing Documents
Purchasing Pre-Built Documents
Ordering w/ Existing Document and Billing
These are based upon the requests I get most from developers and other people looking to integrate with
Currently these widgets are just for demonstration. The Mimeo Marketplace team will soon be deploying similar tools as part of the marketplace.
So currently you have to build and deploy a version of
Mimeo Cloud Print on your own server, and then these widgets would work for you.
You can find a
listing of these widgets under the code section.
Hopefully they give you a idea of whats possible, if you have questions make sure and
let me know.