I was working on a demo today on
Google Cloud Printing from
Google Apps. I wanted to go through the process of adding a
Mimeo Google Cloud Printer to my Google Account, then be able to show on my
IPhone or
Displaying IPad or IPhone becomes more difficult in a presentation let alone a virtual presentation.
So I set out looking for an IPhone emulator which I could show
Google Docs on. They all work pretty weel, I just couldn't get Google Docs to show properly.
Then I had an idea. I downloaded
User Agent Switcher, a Firefox Add-On. User Agent Switcher allows me to change my browser's user agent to whatever I want.
I installed, restarted the browser, went to tools and changed my default user agent to IPhone 3.0.
I refreshed my Google Docs page and when it reloaded I was viewing my Google Docs account using the mobile interface in my Firefox browser on my Macbook Pro.
It was a quick and dirty way to be able to use Google Cloud Print in Google Apps from my Laptop, and since I don't use Firefox much I can leave Google Apps open and use my Google Cloud Print on my Macbook.