I review how a lot of events are managed to keep an eye out for best practices. One of the most valuable things an event can do is to video tape each one of its sessions. I'm sure this can be a fairly costly endeavor, but is money well spent.
Google goes the extra mile with their post event wrap up. You can go to the
Google I/O sessions page and get for each session:
- Full video of session
- PDF download of session
- Google Wave transcript of session
I just finished watching Matt Cutts,
SEO site review session from Google I/O 2010. I was at Google I/O and I find being able to review sessions and watch sessions I missed is so valuable.
If you are unable to find the budget or time to attend a conference or event, being able to watch sessions online after the event is HUGE! It may be the driving force whether or not you can justify attending the following year.
I see a lot of event managers and event vendors working to define virtual events. I think with Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and a few other social tools you can make an event as virtual as you like.