I've seen several post by Google that the speed of your web site now matters a great deal in the relevance of your site.
I recently gave up my personal co-location server rack I"ve had since 1999, including a set of IP addresses I've maintained for 10+ years. I move my core infrastructure on the Amazon EC2 cloud. I've done this for several clients, but needed to make a decision for my own personal brand and projects.
The performance of your site matters. You get what you pay for. If your site relevance and traffic matter to you, what is it worth to you? $5.00 / month, $10.00 / month.
My blog performance and related brand properties are valuable to me. I'm willing to pay $90.00 / month to make sure my sites load fast.
So I have deployed a small
Amazon Ec2 instance for just my personal brand...
It is important to me. Take some time to consider what your online properties are worth to you. And consider deploying a single server for your brand to ensure its given priority in your world, Googles, and beyond.