I am spending an hour or two each week and working with my mother and her business partner on growing their small business. Last weekend I spend some time in Ashland coming back from California and helped them talk through their business. We identified some problems in their
supply chain, however they are making great strides in documenting and streamlining this process.
Where we identified that they teed help is in
content development and online distribution and marketing. I dubbed this project "Content Chain". Content plays a vital role in their business and if done right some of their content can be evolved into and actual product that can be sold.
There is a whole flow to their content from idea and creation to production and distribution of this content on and offline.
They are launching a new web site and this will be the core of their content chain. In addition we will be adding blogging, question and answer, media, and other online tools on their site as well as
syndication to popular and niche
social media and
social networking sites.
We are definining and evolving this content chain similiar to how we are defining and evolving their supply chain. When successful both chains will flow in a healthy cycle, ultimately growing their business.
I am in the beginning of defining this content chain for their small business, more to come.