Browser Add Ons

I am pretty addicted to to Firefox Browser Add-Ons. I have many of them to the point of add-on overload.

I use them for adding items to my Google Notebook, Amazon S3, CoComment, and much more.

I syndicate and share to many social networks, social bookmarking, and other sharing sites.

I do all this through Firefox. So recently I have been using Firefox for a primary business function which requires a cookie. So I need to use Internet Explorer for my personal online view.

I pay attention to my Google Information and other stuff. All of a sudden I feel lost without my add-ons. I try to right click to add things to my Google Notebook, I try to share. NOTHING.

So I go to search the Internet Explorer Add-Ons. There really isn't much? Whats the deal?

Why is there such a movemtn behind firefox on this? I couldn't live without my browser and add-ons? Is this not ordinary?

Internet Exlporer still has like 60+ % market share. Why isn't there a browser add-on movement?

I am working on the specs for a firefox add-on specification. I worry that mainstream doesn't get it and will never adop browser toolbars and add-ons.

Browser Tools have become more important to me than desktop tools. The only desktop tools I stil use are Dreamweaver. Everything else is in my browser.

I know I am not the normal. Is this weird.

Just trying to understand why Internet Explorer with such huge market share does not have the add-on following?