I have had a lot of dudes come at me over the years telling me that stories do not matter. I am a storyteller amidst a technological minefield, and I regularly point out that stories are the most important tool in my toolbox. This is something that tends to rub a certain type of male technologists the wrong way leaving them feeling pretty compelled to tell me that I am oh so wrong, and stories do not matter at all! There, take that!! My long time stalker has been using this as their primary “story” which they add as a comment on EVERY LinkedIn post and when they direct messaging people to convince them I am an awful human being. While my stalker changes their tune every couple of years the current approaches is all about repeatedly demanding that I show some code in a GitHub repository to validate that I offer anything of value to the community, and that my storytelling simply is not enough of a reason for people to like me.

My stalker spends a lot of time probing and trying to hack my websites and tools that I publish. None of this matters. There is always backups, and everything runs on Git, so taking down my site would do very little to hurt my world-—he can knock himself out trying. He can’t do it. He knows this. This is why he only wields stories about me. My stalker uses algorithimicly tuned fabulism out in the open on social media to avoid being seen and penalized by the “abuse” machine. However, he uses straight up lies via direct messages-—which I am accumulating for that seemingly inevitable libel trial down the road. It is all stories. He uses stories about stories not mattering to try and tear down what matters the most to me-—stories. It is all stories. All of this. Everything.

Those who do not see the stories or believe stories don’t matter are the most lost and susceptible to fabulist, misinformation, and disinformation. People tell me that I am just instigating my stalker by telling these stories, but they haven’t lived through years where I am silent and he keeps telling stories. And I don’t. This is why I have my domain, so that I can keep telling stories, even if the face of the hate and disinformation which has become ubiquitous online. Stories are all that matters and it is important that I maintain my domain and keep telling stories. Even if they aren’t read. Even if they don’t go viral or have a network effect. Stories are all that matters. It is the only reason I am alive. It is the thing that keeps me alive. Stories do matter. They are everything. Sad little scared men with nothing better to do than harrass people online don’t matter.