Generally speaking the Aye (AI) crowd is made up of some questionable people saying some pretty questionable things, but there are also many good hearted and well-meaning people caught up in the hustle. However, when you look at the upper echelons of who is championing Aye on stage with Trump, do you go—those are my people? Is that thing you are excited about? Is it the same thing those people are excited about? What do you think that means? How does that make you feel? And is it something that is making you question some of your decisions and affinities along the way, or is it making you feel like you have to just be more cautious about how you feel so that you don’t get called out for what is swirling around in your head.
Why do you think Aye is so appealing to Trump and his friends? This is an onion that I just cannot separate without crying (literally). Technology and fascism is all that I see. When I look at Trump I see the millions of black and brown people he doesn’t see or care about. When I look at Trump I see the way he doesn’t see and treats women. I sure don’t see any technology I want to get behind or even speak positively about. The reasons I would find Aye remotely useful and the reasons Trump wants to put Aye to work are not even remotely reconcilable. I cannot separate the two at all. Sadly there is no outside of this thinking either. I cannot escape Trump or Aye. I can’t not be part of the Trump performance or the Aye performance. So I am left trying to navigate from within the machine which has been assembled around me. Around us.
If China, Trump, Musk, and others stood up and said we are all in on APIs — I’d seriously question my professional existence. I know now that my vision for APIs was radically different from the popular vision of APIs. My vision was about access, transparency, and a balanced relationship between producer and consumers. I look at the cast of crypto bros and hustlers forcing AI down everyone’s throat and I question the intent of any Aye, even the remotely useful Aye. I look at the cast of characters surrounding Trump and Aye, and I say holy fuck, hell no. There is no way I am having anything to do with Aye if these guys are into it. I don’t need my black and brown friends to tell me this is wrong, I can do this one on my own. Anything Trump likes I know is going to be bad for me and the people I care about. The writing is on the wall. The lines are drawn. History is being made—-which side are you on?
If you find yourself struggling with this story and feeling angry about this one I recommend sitting down with your friends of color and the working class poor friends in your circle to get the answers you need. But if you look around in your circle and you don’t have any friends of color or poor friends who will site down with you and give you an honest answer. Then there is an answer to your question right in front of you and around you. This is the reason why Aye is so appealing, and why it is something that is so hard to step back from. If you look around and can’t find anyone to talk to you about this I recommend reading through this book list and then come talk with me. I am here, but I need you to do the work first. You need to let some of these diverse voices into your head before you will be able turn off your brain and turn on your heart and ears. Once that happens, I am here for a big sustained bear hug.