I am going to call it now. Kamala Harris will win this presidential election. People are tired of Trump’s shit. While patriarchy is still strong, it has run its course and Trump is the final gasp of this destructive and toxic way of living in this world. We are ready for woman to lead, and specifically a woman of color. I don’t think a white woman could break through this, and I believe Kamala can. This is the moment, whether you think we are ready or not-—there is no better time than now.
Kamala will win. It doesn’t mean our problems will be solved. There is still so much work to do. Trump’s people will once again say the election was stolen. They weren’t running to win. They were running to bring it all down. Trump’s loyalists are in it for themselves, at all costs. They won’t just go away after Kamala wins. We will still have to continue doing the hard work to deal with the brain rot that exists in our country, but the majority of people will want better than that.
I write this because I believe in the people in this country. I don’t want to leave or checkout. I want to heal. I want to have a conversation about how do we improve our world. I believe strongly that we men need to step back a bit into supporting roles. We’ve had a good run, and we keep fucking things up. I think we need a little matriarchal healing. The only way I can envision anyone looking at Trump and saying “that is what we need”, is to conjure up memories of the hurt, painful, and scared men I’ve known in the past–a lifestyle that isn’t sustainable.
I am publishing this two days before the election because I believe. I am not worried about being wrong. I believe in us. We got this. Let’s choose to take care of each other. Let’s choose to be inclusive and caring. You can make all those old patriarchal comments you’ve been trained to over the years to say about women in leadership positions, or you can close your eyes and lead with your heart. Don’t be scared. The world can be a scary place, but we still have the capacity to make caring and confident decisions.
Hate will not win in this election…