I have my own style to blogging that I call workbench blogging. While I do work to edit and polish the stories I publish regularly across my blogs, it is more important to me that I'm producing content alongside my daily research, than it is to be precise in its delivery. Think of my blogs as my workbench, and the stories you read each day are the notes about what I am working on in my workshop each day.
As I'm working, I'm crafting stories to help me think through what I am working on. I act like I'm having a conversation with myself, and with you, my readers, to help me evolve and polish my approach. At the same time, I'm generating content that can be discovered via search and social media, helping immediately make my work accessible to others. I also use my own blog as a discovery mechanism, helping me remember specific companies, services, tools, and other parts of my research for use in future work.
This approach to blogging is not for everyone. I find it rewarding. I get to work through my ideas and research while sharing with others. I find it is an easy way to create a lot of content when you are this transparent. Almost everything I do as API evangelist becomes content, definitions, and code that can be reused--this is why it all runs on Github. My entire workbench is accessible to the public, and my ideas are right out in the open, allowing you to reuse, while also allowing me to make a living and keep doing what I do.
Thanks for taking the time to stop and read my workbench blog.