As I read and listen to all of the Internet of Things stories coming out of CES, I’m happy to be hearing discussions around privacy and security, come out of the event. I feel better about IoT security and privacy when I hear things like this, but ultimately I am left with overwhelming concern about of the quantity of IoT devices.
There are many layers to securing IoT devices, and protecting the privacy of IoT users, but I can't help but the think that Internet of Things security and privacy will always begin by asking ourselves if we should be doing this at all. Do we need this object connected to the Internet? Are we truly benefiting from having this item enabled with cloud connectivity?
I'm going to try and keep up with tracking on the API layer being rolled out in support of IoT devices, but not sure I will be able to keep up with the number of devices, and the massive amount of hype around products and services. At some point I may have to tap out, and focus on specific aspects of IoT connectivity ,around what I consider the politics of APIs.