Check out this lineup of the first round speakers at Defrag this year! I recently got an email from the event queen Kimberly Norlin, and I'm pretty stoked about some of the people I will be sharing the stage with in Colorado this year.
The Norlins rock, whien it comes to bringing together some of smartest folks in the space to Broomfield, CO each year.
- Chris Anderson, 3D Robotics
- George Dyson, Science historian and author, "Turing's Cathedral"
- Amber Case, Director of Esri's R&D center
- Paul Kedrosky, Contributing Editor, Bloomberg, and General Partner, SK Ventures
- Penny Herscher, CEO, FirstRain
- Helen Greiner, CEO, CyPhy Works
- John Wilbanks, Sage Bionetworks
- Adam Wray, CEO, Basho
- Gina Trapani, ThinkUp
- Lorinda Brandon, SmartBear
- Kin Lane, API Evangelist
- Laura Merling, VP, AT&T
- Adrian Cockcroft, Battery Ventures
- Danielle Morrill, Mattermark
My presentation will be about containers and APIs, borrowing from John Sheehan, when he said "containers will do for APis what APIs do for companies". Which is a pretty prescient comment, but not surprising from someone like John is on the leading edge with his API integration startup Runscope.
Make sure and get registered for Defrag. If you aren't familiar with what Defrag is all about, read one of my earlier posts about the Defrag experience--in short, Defrag is where all the tech leaders come together in Colorado once a year, to discuss what is going on in the space, and drink a lot of beer!