It has been a few months since I ran any of my federal government data.json harvesting, so I picked back up my work, and will be doing more work around datasets that federal agnecies have been making available, and telling the stories across my network.
I'm still surprised at how many people are unaware that 22 of the top federal agencies have data inventories of their public data assets, available in the root of their domain as a data.json file. This means you can go to many example.gov/data.json and there is a machine readable list of that agencies current inventory of public datasets.
I currently know of 22 federal agencies who have published data.json files:
You can click on the logo or name, and view the full data.json files. You can also visit my Federal Agency Dataset Adoption work to see all of the datasets listed for each agency. There is stil one bug I notice in the adoption process, so don't adopt anything quite yet.
The goal of this just to highlight again, that there is a wealth of open data resources just waiting for all of us open gov hackers to take advantage of, and work make sense of. Federal agencies need our help, so get involved, there is a lot of work to be done.