I was finally catching up on all my podcasts this week, which includes Traffic and Weather, which is an always informative source of news and commentary podcast about APIs and the cloud hosted by @smarx and @johnsheehan
While listening to Episode 8: I’m going to withdraw my objection, John Sheehan discusses his March story in NextWeb called APIs are Dead, Long Live APIs. It was very interesting to hear him describe his intent behind the post and walk us through his points.
I read the original article back in March, jotted down some notes, but really didn't trigger much beyond that. After listening to him talk about the post, it renewed some very interesting points for me--which I'm working through an dyou will see in future blog posts.
It is a lot of work to craft a good quality blog posts that conveys difficult and often abstract API concepts to a wide audience. I struggle with getting my ideas across, as well as coherency in much of my writing. This got me thinking, maybe as part of my storytelling process I can try to work in an audio version, of me walking my readers (listeners) through it.
I'm not talking about something that reads the post to you. I'm talking about, me, actually walking you through the subject matter and post. We'll see. It is something I likely won't have time for with each post, but it would fun to try.
I really have been trying to incorporate more audio and video into more of my content creation, but seem to be falling short. I will keep trying until something sticks!