I depend on If This Then That (IFTTT) to move data around the cloud. I syndicate blog posts from API Evangelist to Blogger and Tumblr. This isn't just blind syndication, it is SEO and also plan B scenarios to make sure my content exists in multiple areas.
When it comes to the IT decisions for API Evangelist, I carefully evaluate what services I use. If I begin to depend on an account, after 6 months I need to start paying a fee to secure some sort of quality of service (QOS). This is how I roll.
Not all platorms allow for this. In my opinion, all FREE platforms should have relief valves for users like me, who want to move to some sort of paid account, assuring me some sort of service level agreement (SLA) or I'll move away.
For example: Once I started using Evernote regularly, I moved to the premium level. I bought into Pinboard at an early rate, once I was hooked. Inversely, I can't pay for Twitter, Facebook and some Google services. Today it is about IFTT.
In light of me losing Google Reader I'm taking a hard look at all my services. IFTT is on the chopping block.
I have about 20-30 jobs running at IFTTT, moving data around between my cloud services, in a way I depend on. I need to move this into the realm of premium or paid services.
What are your thoughts? Sell me on your service.