There are some really great examples of embeddable, open data goodness over at the OpenSpending project, which is operated by the Open Knowledge Foundation, a non-profit with a missions to promote open knowledge and data.
The OpenSpending platform has a wealth of data regarding spending budgets from all over the world, providing key data that allows anyone track government and corporate financial transactions globally.
The OpenSpending platform has plenty of data visualizations avialable for use, but until recently these tools were only fixed and available on the OpenSpending site. Now they have begun developing and publishing a handful of cool, embeddable widgets that can be published anywhere:
All three visualizations are available as open-source code on Github. OpenSpending also provides examples you can play with using jsfiddle:
The embeddable tools provided by OpenSpending are exactly the types of tools I want to organize as part of my Hacker Storytelling work. I’m looking to build a wealth of embeddable tools that help people tell more meaningful, data driven stories.
I will be curating and tagging as many examples like this as I can, and continue to publish via Hacker Storytelling, for anyone to use.