I’m working through the 2012 year, trying to quantify what I did over the year. It’s not as easy as it sounds. One area I’m having trouble quantifying is how much programming I do.
Programming is an essential variable in my happiness algorithm. If I’m not programming a certain amount each week on projects, I can get very grumpy. ;(
There is an easy way to track how many projects or side projects I’m working on, and how much programming time each of these projects get--using Github. The problem is I still don’t use Github 100% of the time. I still code many side projects in the doldrums of my Amazon EC2 server(s).
So in 2013, I am going to make Github repositories default for all side projects. Each project will start off as a repository, then I will enhance using:
- Github Pages - Running a static site framework on Github, with subdomain
- Jekyll - Pages and blogs for each project running using Github Pages
- Disqus - Open up casual commenting on each project
Every project will be open source by default and allow for interaction and collaboration at two levels using Disqus or Github.
Anyone can easily leave a comment with Disqus or fork the project and commit at a deeper level.
All of my projects will be open by default, and can easily be linked off any of my main websites and blogs.
Additionally I will be able to track the number of side projects I work on, how active each one is, and how much code I commit any given day, week, month or throughout the year.
While I can’t easily quantity how much time I programmed in 2012, in 2013 I will have the data necessary, with just a simple shift in how I manage myself.