I’m continuing my research into how various cities operate their developer meetups, with a focus on mobile developer gatherings. Today I’m focusing on New York City, a town that is fast becoming a contender with Silicon Valley for developer talent.
I went through the meetups for New York City and found the following mobile developer meetup groups:
- Android App Marketing - founded 09/07/2011, with 12 members, and 0 meetups so far
- Android Developer Workshop - founded 11/3/2010, with 124 members, and 3 meetups so far
- iPhone Developer Training - founded 05/12/2009, with 349 members, and 9 meetups so far
- iPhone Game Development NYC - founded 1/23/2010, with 270 members, and 2 meetups so far
- Mobile & Emerging Tech NYC - founded 07/25/2012, with 140 members and 1 meetup so far
- New York iOS Developer Meetup - founded 04/20/2008, with 3,116 member, ad 44 meetups so far
- New York Weekend IPhone Programming Seminar - founded 09/20/2010, with 196 members, and 10 meetups so far
- NY App Meetup - founded 03/24/2010, with 217 members and 5 meetups so far
- NYC Mobile App Developers - founded 05/07/2010, with 639 members, and 10 meetups so far
- NYC Mobile Tech Meetup - founded 09/25/2011, with 203 members, and 1 meetup so far
- Queens iOS Developers Meetup - founded 06/07/2012, with 73 members, and 2 meetups so far
While New York does not have the volume of members that San Francisco has, it is definitely a close second. I also notice that NYC has a couple more workshop, learning based meetups--which tells me the community identifies the need for ramping up new mobile developers, which seems crucial.
Beyond that, the patterns seem similar to San Francisco. I’m not sure if this is because it is the model that works, or if NYC is emulating San Francisco. Only the data will tell.
More to come...