Hackathons are exploding in popularity and open API publishers are quickly realizing the power they have to attract developers. For API publishers, hackathons represent one of the most powerful means for growing an API’s profile and engaging directly with talented developers.
If you want learn more about hackathons, attend an upcoming Webinar, hosted API management vendor Layer 7 Technologies and guest API evangelist Kin Lane, will deliver the advice an organization needs in order to throw hackathons that contribute to the real-world success of an API publishing program.
You will learn about:
- The background and purpose of an API Hackathon
- Types of Hackathons
- The role hackathons play in developer engagement
- Planning and executing a successful hackathon
- Adopting best practices
- Avoiding common mistakes
- Creating a plan
- Where hackathons are going
Presented by: Kin Lane API Evangelist and Co-author of Business of APIs
When: July 12, 2012 @ 9:00AM PDT | 12:00PM EDT | 5:00PM BST
Register for How to Run a Successful Hackathon for Your Open APIs