It can be difficult to truly measure with accuracy, the amount of traffic that is driven to your site from Twitter.
Google Analytics and other providers are beginning to provide much deeper views into how social impacts our web traffic, but in many cases its best to get it from the source.
Today Twitter announced Web Analytics, a tool that helps website administrators understand how much traffic they receive from Twitter and the effectiveness of Twitter integrations on their sites by showing:
- How much your website content is being shared across the Twitter network
- The amount of traffic Twitter sends to your site
- The effectiveness of your Tweet Button integration
Twitter Web Analytics will be rolled out this week to a small pilot group of partners, and will be made available to all website owners within the next few weeks.
Twitter Web Analytics evolved out of the the acquisition of BackType, back in July. Im sure it is just the beginning of a whole new line of social analytics, APIs and tools to come from TWitter.