We added four new APIs, introducing a whole new type of APIs we'll be releasing from time to time here at Mimeo Connect. I'm calling them
Document Printing APIs, because they are focused around printing specific type of document.
For new Mimeo developers, I will most likely reccommend you test drive one of our four Document Printing APIs:
They are the easiest to get up and running with, enabling your sites and applications to print many of the common business documents we see.
If our new Document APIs do not provide the document settings your looking for or if your an existing Mimeo customer, I may recommend using the
Mimeo Connect REST API, which gives you more control over your Mimeo account. However developers can still use the new Document Printing APIs with your existing Mimeo account, if you wish.
I will be launching more Document APIs in the coming months, so if you don't see what your looking for,
let me know. I might be able to expedite one of my APIs to give you just the type of document printing your looking for in your application.