Google Cloud Print Proxy (Cloud Printer)

I have some working code for a Google Cloud Print Proxy. It is currently written in PHP and uses the Zend framework.

I have written specific blog posts for each service endpoint, and to finish up I wanted to do a complete walk-through.

First I authenticate against a users Google Account with Google ClientLogin API.

Then using the Google Cloud Print Services Interface: I can make calls to the following end points to manage printers: I can make calls to the following end points to manage cloud print jobs: You can receive print job notifications via persistent XMPP connection: If you want to download the sample code for my Google Cloud Print Proxy work, you can download in the following formats: kinlane-productions2 If you have any thoughts or ideas for an innovative Cloud Print Proxy, let me know.


UPDATE 2/28/2011 - I have finished the first prototype for the XMPP print job notification service. This is critical piece to eliminate constant polling of /fetch service.