I was happy to see the announcement by
Google, that they were open sourcing more of the Google Wave platform.
I was at the keynote speech where they released Google Wave, and I really believed in the potential of it as a platform.
The code they released adds more features and delivers a more complete "Wave in a Box" solution.
This project will include:
- An application bundle including a server and web client supporting real-time collaboration using the same structured conversations as the Google Wave system
- A fast and fully-featured wave panel in the web client with complete support for threaded conversations
- A persistent wave store and search implementation for the server (building on contributed patches to implement a MongoDB store)
- Refinements to the client-server protocols
- Gadget, robot and data API support
- Support for importing wave data from wave.google.com
- The ability to federate across other Wave in a Box instances, with some additional configuration
Although it doesn't have all the features currently available in the current Google Wave implementation it rounds out the open source offering and makes it a complete platform that is usable.
Some of the best features Google has kept for themselves, but maybe the core technology can have a life of its own outside of Google. I think you will see new incarnations of Google Wave showing up as the core of collaboration and communication platforms for years to come.