I have a "hobby" harvesting project going on right now. I'm am harvesting several thousand web pages from various locations on a certain topic.
I'm not really interested in the content itself, but the top keywords that are used in the content. I pulled the page and extracted the body content that I am interested in analyzing.
I then want to pull a list of the top keywords and key phrases used in the page.
So I am faced with next steps:
- Spend time researching algorithms for parsing text and looking for words
- Write my own scripts for identifying key words and key phrases (harder than you think)
- Evolve and continue scripts to make more intelligent over time

There is a lot of time and money investment there. Easy to give up on my project at this point.
I start looking for existing tools or APIs that would accomplish this. I came across a great
tag, keyword, and key phrase intelligence API called
They have a great API that takes content, and returns an intelligent set of tags. Now I am one more step closer to being able to
extract meaningful key phrases and tag sets.
It is also a great example of how good Application Programming Interface (API) can assist developers in delivering projects.