I was just reading
State of the Cloud over at
Jack of all Clouds. They monitor the various players in the cloud game and who the movers and shakers are.
They state the known about the cloud industry.
Amazon and Rackspace are the lead players.
What I like is that they introduced me to
Linode. I haven't come across these guys yet. I'm reviewing their offerings now and more to come.
I am the biggest Amazon evangelist and use cloud platform heavily. As much as I love Google, Amazon and my IPhone, they all are reminders to me of the day in 1999 where I loved Microsoft the same way. I was a regular drinker the kool-aid.
Since then I've recovered, and when it comes to cloud computing I think diversity is good. I root for the little guy and hope they can deliver a set of tools that can compete with the big boys. Good luck