Hosting a web site for an event or conference can be costly. Traffic to the web site spikes around email campaigns, call for papers, registration opening, before and during the event.
Hosting providers that can handle the volume of traffic around events and conferences can be expensive. The
Amazon Cloud is an excellent place to meet the demanding needs of the event.
Amazon Web Services has several services that can be taken advantage of:
- Amazon EC2 for web site hosting, cloud email hosting.
- Amazon RDS for relational database management using MySQL
- Amazon S3 for storage of PDF, Word Documents, Video, and Audio
- Amazon CloudFront for distribution of content to US, European, and Asian zones for regional delivery
- Elastic Load Balncing and Auto Scaling for event web site and web application scaling to meet traffic needs
One of the cornerstones of
Cloud Computing is the pay for what you use, utility pricing. This type of pricing and scalability fits well with delivery Internet services around events and conferences.
It is common to double or triple your server, storage and bandwidth during important event milestones. Then once it is done you just need a handful of pages with little or no traffic.
I'm running 20+ events at any time in the clouds, I often scale from 10 server to 20 servers to meet the demand.
Amazon Cloud works well.