I just finished a big migration to
Amazon Web Services for my company. I am using Amazon
EC2 and Amazon
S3 mainly for everything. We are pushing the futurue of scaling for an event, conference, or tradeshow and the strategy and marketing that goes with it.
I am primarily using Amazon Ec2 for the base technology platform and using Amazon S3 for backup of server images, server data, and personal user workstation backups. I am not using Amazon S3 as fully as I would like to.
My company is very advanced in their perspective and understanding of technology, and they all understand the value of where we are going. However a lot of it they really don't get. A lot of the pieces and scaling methodologies are beyond what they know.
I am working another friend of mine to help provide technical support while he takes a 2 week vacation, and I look at all the preparation he has gone through in d
ealing with potential hardware, and software failure. He is a very savvy sysadmin and knows the game. He runs the infrastructure for a very large company, but he too from my perspective is behind the curve.
As I read everyday on
Cloud Computing and different companies approach, and how many people are using it I realize it is just the tip of the iceberg. These are all the alpha users that are pushing the envelope and understanding.
When it comes to cloud computing and widespread adoption there are a lot of companies and people left to still understand what all of this is and how to use it.
A lot of people are limited because of the companies they were in and the budgets they currently have. They work real hard to keep what they have optimized. Large hardware investments, long prison like lease contracts with old dinsoaurs who won't die easily. So you really can't blame them. They don't have the time to understand all of this let alone sell it to their bosses.
I am very thankful for the position I have in all this....I consistently feel like I am at the cutting edge of online marketing, social media marketing, technology infrastructure planning, and web application development.