There are so many opportunities on the Internet for marketing your business using social media, it is easy to get distracted and dilute your efforts. Having a strategy before you embark on social media marketing is extremely important, and revisiting this strategy regularly is critical to evolving and changing your approach so that you find success.Focusing your campaign in one specific conversation or topic is critical to keeping your approach and target audience small enough so that you can find success and interact with them in a valuable way. Of course you can scale and grow into larger or more conversations as your resources and approach grow.While monitoring and participating in a specific conversation it is very important to continually extract smaller topics that are dictated by the public at large that are involved in social media. Tracking these topics and trends can create a focus that can be used in production of content that you can put back out into the social web, adding value to the conversation while keeping it relevant to the conversation.Keywords are vital building blocks of the Internet and are critical to providing contextual relevance for your site and content you put on the Internet. Having a master keyword list that reflects the online and social marketing of your web site is very important, you should have URL's or web addresses that reflect all primary pages or sections of your web site(s). These keyword / URL should be used consisently throughout your conversation participation, content creation, and activity streaming efforts, providing a focus for all traffic that will elevate the traffic and participation in your online real estate.Operating your social media campaign from a standardize platform gives you a way to consistently monitor the conversation, build wisdom from that conversation, develop content, and present yourself to the public that can be scaled as your time and resources grow. A platform is critical to a solid approach to social media marketing.Tracking various efforts of your social media marketing campaign and reporting on this data is essential to a successful campaign. Your campaign should evaluate campaign data on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and using this to adjust your campaign in an agile way ensureing that you move and adjust as the conversation and online community changes. The online social internet today is a fast moving, ever changing world and you have to work hard to keep up.Maintaining the overview of your campaign is key to keeping a 10,000 foot view of your efforts that will help you ensure success in your efforts.
- Contact Plan
- Conversation Focus
- Keyword / Tag / URL Focus
- Platform
- Reporting
- Reputation Management
- Social Graph Building
- Topic / Production Focus
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